The Victorian Farmers Federation’s (VFF) Stock Sense project has distributed more than 200 free biosecurity signs to Victorian farms over the past three months in the wake of increased demand from farmers.
VFF Livestock President Scott Young said the rise in demand could be a result of recent biosecurity matters being highlighted in the news and the ongoing work of projects like Stock Sense to bring awareness to farmers.
“Over the past 12 months issues such as Foot and Mouth and Lumpy Skin disease have been front of mind for many farmers.”
“More and more farmers are now aware of the importance of having biosecurity signs on their property and their role in helping to safeguard the health and well-being of livestock, farmers, and the broader agricultural community.”
“The response from farmers has been incredible, but we need to do more and I would encourage every single farmer to make sure they have a biosecurity sign on their farm.”
“Signs are available from our Stock Sense team and you can get one by attending an upcoming workshop,” Mr Young said.
Mr Young added that biosecurity signs are an important tool to protect the agriculture industry and on-the-spot fines can’t be issued to trespassers without a biosecurity management plan.
“Biosecurity is of paramount concern in the agriculture sector. With the ever-present threat of diseases and infections affecting livestock, proactive measures are imperative to mitigate risks and protect the livelihoods of farmers and the integrity of the industry.”
“Stock Sense’s biosecurity signs serve as a crucial tool to raise awareness and promote best practices among farmers and visitors on farms. Alongside a biosecurity management plan, farmers will have another level of protection to reduce the risk of disease transmission and its potentially devastating consequences,” Mr Young said.
The Stock Sense team encourages anyone who owns livestock to get involved with their events or to get in touch with them at or visit online VFF events page for further details.
Stock Sense is funded by the Cattle Compensation Fund and Sheep and Goat Compensation Fund and is proudly delivered by the VFF.
Source: Victorian Farmers Federation