A cattle property in North Western Queensland will again be able to use its main access road after being blocked for several weeks by a fence constructed across the road by a mining lease holder.
Meetings between the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, the Etheridge Shire Council and the mining leaseholder have achieved a resolution to the unusual standoff this week.
A spokesperson from the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Andrew Cripps, said it has been agreed that the property owner of Flat Creek Station and designated employees will be granted ongoing access to use the road, via the gate, once they complete an appropriate safety induction.
"This provides an immediate solution to the challenge faced by Flat Creek station managers in getting supplies to cattle in a timely fashion,” the spokesperson said.
“The mining lease holder has also reiterated his offer to transport lick and other supplies to cattle, free of charge, to assist the manager of Flat Creek station.”
The spokesperson said DNRM had communicated the meeting outcome to the manager of Flat Creek Station and a time is being negotiated for the safety induction to occur.
An identification survey of Flat Creek road has also begun today.
“This survey will determine the question of the location of the road, and will help determine the path ahead to ensure safe vehicle access between Georgetown and properties adjoining the mining lease.
“The Council and the Mining Lease holder have agreed to meet again once the survey has been completed.”
See Beef Central's earlier article on the dispute here