Two-thirds of Queensland is drought declared and producers are potentially facing a second failed wet season.
With the window for rainfall and useful pasture growth closing as the colder months approach, it is timely to review and critically reflect on drought action plans and develop a way forward.
Join FutureBeef senior extension officer Roger Sneath during a free webinar next Friday as he discusses:
- the current situation: some reflection on the drought situation, planning, critical dates and action plan;
- the year ahead: developing fodder budgets, how much pasture and water is there, adjusting cattle numbers to match availability, even if there is good rain in the next few weeks, will it grow enough pasture for the year ahead?;
- what are the options – sell, agist, feedlot, production or survival feed? What other management considerations are there? We will discuss some spreadsheets that can assist you in decision making;
- feed supplies: what is available at what cost, and how to cost nutrients in feed.
The webinar, a joint initiative between Beef Central and FutureBeef, will be facilitated by FutureBeef Regional Coordinator (South) and eExtension Team Leader, DAFF, John James.
Who should register?
This event is for anyone involved along the beef supply chain including producers, processors, brand managers, supply chain managers, agents, consultants and consumers.
The session will be recorded and a link will be sent to all those who register. So if you can’t attend on the day, you won’t miss out.
To successfully participate:
1. Reserve your webinar seat now by following this link. Or copy and paste this into your web browser:
You need to register to receive your personal login details (if you don’t receive an automated response within a minute or so, check your junk email folder).
2. Click the option to ‘Add to Outlook calendar’ to get an automated reminder to join the webinar.
3. Test your computer set-up beforehand by going to this Citrix website ( and click on the ‘Join a session’ link. If you have problems, contact your local computer support people or the friendly GoToWebinar support folk (1800 356 792 in Australia).
4. Join 10 minutes early on the day of the webinar. You can interact by typing questions in the Q&A panel or by raising your electronic hand.
This is a BeefConnect event, brought to you through a partnership between FutureBeef and Beef Central.Decisions for drought affected producers
Date: Friday 28 February 2014
Time: 12:30 pm AEST (Brisbane), 10:30 am (Perth), 12:00 pm (Darwin), 13.00 pm (Adelaide) and 13.30 pm (Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart)
Webinar location: In the comfort of your home or office using your computer or on the go, using your mobile device.