
Crombie honoured on Australia Day for services to beef industry

Beef Central 26/01/2014

David CrombieFORMER Meat & Livestock Australia chairman and National Farmers Federation president David Crombie has been named as a member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the Australia Day honours list for 2014.

Mr Crombie’s award recognises his significant service to the meat and livestock industry, and as a supporter of social welfare, primary producer and sporting organisations.

Prominent agricultural identities honoured this year include cattle producer, former Stanbroke Pastoral Co and Primac director and philanthropist, Tim Fairfax AM, who was named as a companion of the Order of Australia (AC), and food industry author, advocate and lobbyist Stephanie Alexander OAM, who was named an officer in the general division of the order of Australia (OA).

Recipients with a strong connection to Australia's beef cattle industry and the broader agricultural and rural community recognised in the 2014 Australia Day honours list released this morning (Jan 26, 2014) included:


Timothy Vincent FAIRFAX AM, Hamilton Qld – Companion (AC) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For eminent service to business and to the community, as an advocate for philanthropy and as a major supporter of the visual arts, to the promotion of higher education opportunities, and to rural and regional development programs.

  • Director, Rural Press Ltd, 1988-2007; Rural Press Ltd and John Fairfax Holdings merged in 2007.
  • Director, Marinya Media Pty Ltd. 1987-2008.
  • Director, Brickworks Ltd, 1997-2008.
  • Director, Building Solutions Pty Ltd, since 1989.
  • Director, Cambooya Pty Ltd, since 1987.
  • Director, Rawbelle Management Pty Ltd, until 2013.
  • Current Board Member, Australian Philanthropic Services.
  • Council Member, Philanthropy Australia, since 2007.
  • Current Patron, Australian Medical Association Queensland Foundation.
  • Chairman, Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, since 2009.
  • Chairman, Tim Fairfax Family Foundation, since 2008.
  • Chairman, Brisbane Business Advisory Board, The Salvation Army, since 2003.
  • Deputy Chair, National Gallery of Australia, since 2013; Interim Chair, 2012; Council Member, since
  • 2011; Member of a range of committees including the Finance, Risk Management, Audit, Acquisitions and Building Committees; philanthropic contributions.
  • Councillor, Australia Business Arts Foundation, since 2011.
  • President, Queensland Art Gallery Foundation, since 2008; Deputy Chair, Board of Trustees,
  • Queensland Art Gallery, 2008-2012; Member, since 1996; philanthropic and art contributions.
  • Advisory Board Member, National Portrait Gallery, 2000-2011; Chairman, 2008-2011; Deputy
  • Chairman, 2003-2008; philanthropic and art contributions.
  • Chancellor, Queensland University of Technology, since 2012.
  • Deputy Chancellor, University of the Sunshine Coast, 2002-2009; Council Member, 1996-2009.
  • Chairman, University of the Sunshine Coast Foundation, 1997-2009; current Patron; philanthropic contributions; established Tim Fairfax Regional Scholarships, 2008.
  • Patron, Volunteers for Isolated Students' Education, since 2011.
  • Councillor, New England Girls’ School, 1994-1999.
  • Board Member, Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, since 2002; Chair, Natural Disasters Sub-Committee; former Chair, Rural Education Program; philanthropic contributions.
  • Councillor, Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA), since 2004;
  • Chairman of the Horticulture and Pisciculture Committees; Member of the Appeals, Disciplinary, and Audit Committees.
  • Deputy Chairman, Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, 2000-2005; Member, Finance and Audit Committee; philanthropic contributions.
  • Current Principal, TV Fairfax Pastoral, Strathbogie Pastoral Company and J H Fairfax and Son; the Group operates 10 rural properties in Queensland and New South Wales involving beef cattle, fine
  • wood and grain.
  • Director, Stanbroke Pastoral Company Pty Ltd, 1993-2003.
  • Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors, since 1991.
  • Awards/recognition include:
  • Appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 2004 Honours List for his service
  • to business and commerce, particularly through agricultural, transport and communications
  • enterprises, and to the community, through education and arts organisations.
  • ‘Queensland Greats’ Award, 2013.
  • Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Leadership Award, Australian Business Arts Foundation, 2011

Stephanie Ann ALEXANDER OAM, Hawthorn Vic – Officer (AO) in the general division of the order of Australia

For distinguished service to education through the design and establishment of schools-based learning programs promoting improved food and eating choices for children, and as an author.

  • Founder, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation, 2004; Director and Board Member, since 2004.
  • A not-for-profit charitable organisation that provides experience-based kitchen garden programs to primary schools across Australia. After a successful trial program at Collingwood College in Melbourne in 2001 it is now a nationally-funded program offered in late 2013 to over 35,000 primary school children in over 350 schools across Australia; the program has been replicated in the United Kingdom and New Zealand, and has inspired similar approaches in Kenya and Uganda.
  • Co-Author, Kitchen Garden Cooking with Kids, 2006; Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Companion, 2009.
  • Author, 14 books, including her signature publication The Cook's Companion.
  • Speaker and Lobbyist, various health and education forums for the food industry, government, and health-related organisations.
  • Awards/recognition include:
  • Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 1994 Honours List for her service to the hospitality and tourist industry, and to the encouragement of apprentices. Centenary Medal, 2001.
  • Named Victorian of the Year, Victoria Day Council, 2010.


David Charles CROMBIE, Qld –  Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For significant service to the meat and livestock industry, and as a supporter of social welfare, primary producer and sporting organisations.

  • Commissioner, Australian Centre International Agricultural Resources, since 2008; Australian Co-Chair, IndoBeef Program.
  • Founding Partner/Managing Director, GRM International, 1968-2000; current Board Member.
  • Director, Austrex, 1974-2009.
  • Chairman, Meat Standards Australia, 1996-1998.
  • Director, Australian Agricultural Company, since 2011.
  • Director, Rosewood Pty Ltd, since 1984.
  • President, National Farmers Federation, 2006-2010.
  • Deputy Chairman and Director, Graincorp, 1995-2002.
  • Board Member, Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity, Australian Government, since 2011.
  • Chairman, Meat and Livestock Australia, 1998-2005.
  • Member, Productivity and Prosperity Advisory Panel, 2010.
  • Member, Meat Industry Council, 1996-1997.
  • Chairman, Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, 2000-2008.
  • Non-Executive Director, Alliance Aviation Services, since 2011.
  • Director, Export Finance Insurance Corporation, 2007-2010.
  • Director, Foodbank Queensland (the largest food relief organisation in Queensland), since 2010.
  • Life Member, Northern Territory Cattleman’s Association, since 2012.
  • Managing Director, Queensland Pastoral Company, 1989-1998.
  • Chairman, Cairns Group Farm Leaders, 2006-2010.
  • President, Australian Rugby Union, since 2013; Vice-President, 2009-2013; Director, 1999-2004.
  • President, Queensland Rugby Union, 2005-2010; Chairman, 1999-2003.
  • President, Indooroopilly Golf Club, 1995-1996.
  • Treasurer, Emmanuel College; Fellow, 2007.
  • Awards/recognition include:
  • Recipient, Howard W Yelland Award, 2006.
  • Recipient, Distinguished Australian of the Year, Australian Meat Industry Council, 2005.

Dr Carol COX, Toowoomba Qld – Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For significant service to medicine in rural and remote areas as a general practitioner, to education, and to professional medical organisations.

  • General Practitioner, Toowoomba, since 1981.
  • Medical Officer, Rural Women's General Practice Service, Queensland Section, Royal Flying Doctor Service, since 2001.
  • Life Member, Family Planning Queensland (FPQ).
  • Established Toowoomba FPQ Clinic, 1987; Senior Medical Officer and Medical Educator, 1987-2008.
  • Medical Officer, FPQ Brisbane, 1979-1981.
  • Member, Queensland Cervical Screening Program Quality Management Committee, 2005-2008.
  • Member, Total Quality Management Committee, St Vincent's Hospital, Queensland, 1996-1999.
  • Official Visitor, Baillie Henderson Hospital, Toowoomba, 1998-2001.
  • Member, Toowoomba and Darling Downs District Health Council, 1997-2000.
  • Council Member, University of Southern Queensland, since 2008; Member, Human Research Ethics Committee, 1993-2006.
  • Current Senior Lecturer, Rural Clinical School, School of Medicine, University of Queensland; Interviewer, Medical Course, 2002-2007.
  • Area Coordinator and Training Adviser, Toowoomba and Darling Downs GP Training Program, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 1991-1996.
  • President (first female), Toowoomba and District Branch, Australian Medical Association of Queensland (AMAQ), 1993; Member, BMA/AMA, since 1977.
  • Current Member, Australian Menopause Society.
  • Current Member, Sexual Health Society.
  • Fellow, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, since 1990.
  • Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh UK, 2013.
  • Fellow, University of Southern Queensland, 2007.
  • Awards/recognition include:
  • Royal Flying Doctor Service 10 Year Long Service Recognition Award 2011.
  • Citation of Australian Medical Association of Queensland 2011.


Dr Graham Francis FLEMING, Tumby Bay SA – Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For significant service to medicine in rural South Australia, and as an advocate in the field of mental health and suicide prevention.

  • Dr Fleming has served as a local General Practitioner in the Tumby Bay area for over 34 years.
  • General Practitioner, Tumby Bay, since 1979; established rural suicide prevention and mental health program, Tumby Bay, in the late 1980s.
  • Member, Rural Doctors' Association of South Australia, since 1991; Volunteer Management Committee Member, for 10 years.
  • Board Member, Eyre Peninsula Division of General Practise.
  • First Aid Trainer, St John Ambulance.
  • Fellow, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
  • Fellow, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine.
  • Member, Australian Medical Association (South Australia), since 1972.
  • Awards/recognition include:
  • Centenary Medal, 2001.


Emeritus Professor John Ross EGERTON, Drummoyne NSW – Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For significant service to the livestock industry, particularly the eradication of infectious disease, and to education.

  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, ARC Centre of Excellence in Structural and Functional Microbial Genomics, Monash University, since 2005.
  • Member, Steering Committee, NSW Footrot Eradication Program, NSW Department of Primary Industries, since 1988; Member, Diagnostic Committee.
  • Researcher/Scientist, CSIRO, 1964-1972.
  • President, Animal Welfare Advisory Council of New South Wales, 1985-1995; Advocacy for animal welfare and the review and development of animal husbandry practices.
  • Emeritus Professor of Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney.
  • Professor in Faculty of Veterinary Science, from 1972 until his retirement in 1997.
  • Dean, 1979-1982.
  • Fellow, University Senate, 1982-1983.
  • Teacher, Supervisor and Mentor, Undergraduate and Post Graduate students, for many years.
  • Recently the Leading Editor in Faculty's research history.
  • President, Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists, 1989-1990; Council Member, 1984-1990.
  • Member, Australian Army Malaria Research Advisory Board, 1983-1986.
  • Awards/recognition include:
  • Kesteven Medal, for distinguished contributions to international veterinary science by
  • providing technical and scientific assistance to developing countries, Australian Veterinary
  • Association, 2002.
  • David Syme Research Prize, University of Melbourne.

Dr Ross Lindsay TELLAM, Coorparoo Qld – Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For significant service to science through research roles in the field of livestock productivity and sustainability.

  • Senior Principal Research Scientist, Division of Animal, Food and Health Sciences, CSIRO; Researcher, since 1987.
  • Research Scientist, Departments of Physical Biochemistry and Experimental Pathology, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Canberra, 1982-1987.
  • Research Scientist, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri USA,1980-1982.
  • Co-Leader, Bovine Genome Sequencing and Analysis Project, several years until 2009; an  international consortium that ran a $52million program to sequence and analyse the bovine  genome to aid future research.
  • Board Member, Australian National Genome Information Service, 1997-2005.
  • Member, Network in Genes, Environment and Development, 2005-2009.
  • Member, International Society for Animal Genetics, 2006-2013.
  • Author, 114 scientific publications and 5 patents in the field of bovine genetics.
  • Awards/recognition include:
  • Chairman's Medal for Research Excellence, CSIRO, 2010. 


Dr Conall O'CONNELL, Watson ACT – Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For significant service to public administration and governance, and to Australia's agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors.

  • Commissioner, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, since 2013.
  • Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2007-2013.
  • Deputy Secretary, Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2004-2007.
  • Chair, Biofuels Taskforce, 2005; at the request of the (then) Prime Minister.
  • Involved in negotiating, Tasmanian Community Forest Agreement, 2005.
  • Australian Commissioner, International Whaling Commission, 2001-2006.
  • Involved in the development of Australia's Ocean Policy, 1998.
  • Australian Federal-State Relations, Primary Industries and Environmental Policy, Department
  • of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 1991-1997.
  • Administrative Trainee, Australian Public Service 1988.


Dr James Edwin WATTS, Bowral NSW – Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For significant service to primary industry, particularly wool production.

  • Founder and Chief Scientist, The SRS Company Pty Ltd.
  • Wool industry consultant and educator.
  • Research Veterinarian specialising in skin and fleece biology of Merino sheep, angora goats and alpacas.
  • Developed the SRS ('soft rolling skin') method of breeding sheep by visual and objective selection that optimises fleece quality and quantity, eliminates the need for mulesing and tail
  • docking, and increases lamb production and survival and natural resistance to fly strike.
  • Designs and implements breeding programs on Merino studs throughout Australia.
  • Promotes ethical treatment of animals and sustainable farming practices.
  • SRS wool is in high demand by the textile industry.
  • Travels around Australia conducting workshops with wool producers and mentoring research scientists and wool classers.
  • Conference presenter; author of many articles in industry journals and newspapers.
  • Collaborated with Itochu Wool in international processing trials of SRS wool.
  • Sold directly to customers in Europe, the United Kingdom and Asia, proving the value of a farm to fabric alliance model.
  • Former researcher, Division of Animal Health, CSIRO, in the 1970s.


Raymond Brian HARRINGTON, Darkan WA – Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For service to primary industry, particularly in the development of agricultural machinery.

  • Inventions involving crops include:
  • – Agmaster Harrington No-Till points; an ecologically-sustainable soil tiller.
  • – Harrington Seed Destructor;(a machine capable of destroying up to 95pc of weeds without the use of herbicides.
  • Inventions involving sheep farming include:
  • – Harrington Sheep Jetting Race.
  • – Harrington Crutching Cradle.
  • – Harrington Vee Sheep Handling Machine.
  • Founding President, Western Australian No-Tillage Farmers Association, 1992-1994; current President, West Arthur Shire.
  • Director, Grain Pool of Western Australia, for 2 years; Member, Producers Council, for 10 years.
  • Inaugural Chairman, Co-operative Bulk Handling (CBH Group) Growers Advisory Council, for two terms; Member, for 10 years; grain growers organisation.


Dr Oskar Günther STÜNZNER, Bajool Qld – Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

For service to the livestock industry in Samoa and the Pacific region.

  • Australian Resident Cattle Selector, Samoan Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries, since the late 1960s; Chief Livestock Trainer, in the late 1980s; Executive Management
  • Training Officer, Cattle Development Project, UNCDF/UNDP/GWS, in the late 1980s; Veterinary Authority, 1966-1970.
  • Management Team Member, Livestock Personnel Training Project, Samoa, Gunn Rural
  • Management Australia, (project funded by AusAID), 1992-1995.
  • Founding Lecturer, Animal Science, South Pacific Regional College of Tropical Agriculture, Samoa, in the late 1960s.
  • Founding Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Animal Production, Alafua Campus, University of the South Pacific.
  • Hygiene and Meat Inspection Lecturer, World Health Organisation, 1973.
  • Livestock Supervisor and Adviser, Western Samoan Trust Estate Corporation, 1973-1975.
  • Cattle farmer, Prior Park, Bajool, since 1977.
  • Veterinary Surgeon (Locum), Rockhampton, since the early 1970s.
  • Veterinary Surgeon, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, in the late 1960s.


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