CPC chairman Enzo Gregori addresses last night’s Management Conference dinner in Brisbane
Leadership, trust, community, value-creation and health and safety were the common themes to emerge during Consolidated Pastoral Co’s Managers Conference held in Brisbane this week.
It was the first time the lively annual conference has been held since 2019 due to COVID limitations, bringing together CPC’s far-flung station managers and their partners, head office personnel, pilots and other key stakeholders from across CPC’s Queensland, Northern Territory and Kimberley holdings.
There was also a solid representation of the crew from CPC’s Indonesian lotfeeding division, JJAA, resplendent in their colourful batik shirts. CPC’s Indonesian feedlot operations have come through an incredibly challenging period, firstly from COVID, which swept the country in 2020-2021, and more recently from the Foot & Mouth Disease outbreak across the country.
within the crowd of close to 100 at last night’s awards dinner there was also a solid representation from professional and advisory fields supporting CPC’s operations including feedlot nutrition, live export, processing, legal and accounting, and property agency.
Quite a number of the station managers Beef Central spoke to during last night’s high-spirited gathering remarked on just how good the 2022-23 wet season has been, with more heavy falls forecast across the Barkly region later this week. Some suggested this year’s ‘old fashioned wet’ could be the best seen in a decade.
CPC’s chairman Enzo Gregori used a recent news item from Beef Central to highlight the need to distil complex industry information down into more useful, bite-sized pieces. He also highlighted the tremendous contribution made by partners to the operations success.
Guest speaker for the evening was Australia’s first Winter Olympics gold medallist Steven Bradbury, whose “Last man standing” message was built around the power of positive mindset, preparation, teamwork and working on the ‘one percenters’ that contribute to overall success – regardless of the chosen field.
This year’s conference also included a visit to Teys Australia’s SEQ operations, to witness what happens to the end product after it leave the farmgate, as well as a fun axe-throwing session at a nearby venue.

Isis Downs managers Andrew & Anna Cochrane, and assistant manager Chris Coombs collect their 2022 Safety Award from CEO Troy Setter

JJAA Indonesian feedlot general manager William Bulo accepts CPC’s 2022 Teamwork award from Troy Setter, after an incredibly challenging 12 months caused by Indonesia’s FMD and LSD outbreak

Lester & Stacey Bolton, who have relocated as managers from CPC’s Allawah bull breeding depot to backgrounding property, Jimarndy, receive their award for 2022 Most Improved business

From the lower peninsula, Wrotham Park managers Simon and Kirsty Cobb accept their award for CPC 2022 Business of the Year

All smiles after receiving his 2022 People’s Choice award from CEO Troy Setter was Jeremy Scott, assistant manager at Newcastle Waters on the Barkly Tableland

Part of the crowd attending last night’s CPC awards dinner in Brisbane
Great to see a focus on camaraderie and culture remains a genuine commitment within one of our largest pastoral outfits. Well done CPC.