
US beef demand up 15pc since 2012

Beef Central 09/01/2019

Consumer demand for beef at retail in the United States has risen by 15 percent in the past five years, according to survey data reported by the Beef Checkoff program.

Strong consumer beef demand is expected to continue into 2019, with the USDA predicting consumers in the United States will eat 8.9 percent more beef this year than in 2015.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association says work by US producers to improve beef quality was reflected in increases in US herd grading and was driving higher demand for beef.

Not only are consumers eating more beef, they are also enjoying more high-quality beef. This is due to more cattle in the US herd grading higher than ever before.

“Cattle farmers and ranchers, and the entire beef industry, have worked particularly hard during the past 10 years to produce higher-quality beef, and that work is clearly paying off with increased consumer demand,” said Bridget Wasser, Executive Director of Meat Science & Supply Chain Outreach for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff.

“We’re seeing demand for USDA Choice and Prime beef grow, signaling consumer desire for a higher-quality product.

“An increase in the size of the US cattle herd paired with a higher-quality beef supply shows the industry is responding.”

Beef demand isn’t only strong at retail. Ninety-seven percent of foodservice establishments report having beef on the menu, which has been shown to increase restaurant traffic by 45 percent.

Source: Beef Checkoff. Further details about the Beef Checkoff program and information about cuts and recipes is available at


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  1. Angela Davis, 09/05/2020

    I live in large city Walmart Giant Eagle etc… I don’t want large corporations buying cheap meat overseas shipping takes longer even if it was a good product shipping reduced nutritional value. The guidelines for raising the cattle should be grass fed free range cattle. Not fed this GMO grain to fatten the cow and give it a short life span. Cattlemen unite give us a great product to feed our families and we will pay the cost !! Online sales quick distribution organic meat. Government RFD will insure your free ranging quality sustainable pasture quality feed. That $1 per head is avoided selling meat dressed and processed. You will need packaging meat processing and branding/marketing online. We will buy!!

  2. David Hobbs, 06/05/2020

    We need American Beef!!!

  3. barbara dillon, 06/05/2020

    Keep our beef ranchers in america growing our beef not other countries and keep americans working here not abroad

  4. Peggy Davis, 05/05/2020

    My husband and I raise our own beef. I feel sorry for the people who aren’t cattle farmers. I want to know where my beef and vegetables are coming from. It is so sad that farmers are having to uthanize chickens and cattle. Throwing away millions of farm fresh milk. We have got to demand better, safe beef. The farmers are losing money because people-consumers aren’t buying meat because we don’t know the origin of it. I want beef I can trust. Get on board people and quit letting government control us. Open up these plants.

  5. Renee Brooks, 03/05/2020

    I want only USA raised beef to eat. Please stop bring any beef into America from other countries. I want the food that we eat to be raised right here in America , supporting American beef producers and processors. I do not trust other countries, for they do not have the regulations that we have about producing and processing our beef and pork. I want to be able to read on the label that this is American made!

  6. Julia Clavette, 30/04/2020

    Let’s protect our local producers!

  7. Jacqueline Wood, 29/04/2020

    I want only USA raised beef to eat. Please stop bring any beef into America from other countries. I demand you respect my wishes. All out food that we eat, needs to be raise right here in America. I do not trust other countries, for they do not have the regulations that we have about producing beef, vegetables, fruits. I demand you respect my wishes, I am American born.

  8. Kelsie Thies, 29/04/2020

    Keep America GREAT!!!!
    We do not need other countries products. THEY NEED OUR PRODUCTS! We need to FIGHT to keep our products local!
    God Bless our Farmers, God Bless our People, and GOD BLESS AMERCICA!!!!

  9. Jody ANDERSON, 29/04/2020

    Get the this country open again. Let the American Farmer produce the food needed in this country. I want beef from the USA, not from some foreign country that does not have quality. Quite euthanizing animals that are ready for market. Quit plowing under produce and get it on the supermarket shelve. Wake up America

  10. Bruce Helweg, 29/04/2020

    Keep our produce, meat and milk from American suppliers

  11. Liz, 29/04/2020

    Open the plants!!!!! Don’t waste our food source and cause an unnesscessary shortage!!! And drive the prices up!!!!!

  12. Joanne, 29/04/2020

    Enough is ENOUGH!! Open America! American BEEF for Americans is a must! Never before have we seen such a over reaction to a virus. The numbers do not make sense. Americans Staving to death is NOT THE ANSWER!

  13. donna taylor, 29/04/2020

    I also demand that ALL our beef be from OUR COUNTY OF U.S.A and be labelled as such. I do not want my beef from any other country, and I want our own Cattlemen to benefit from my money. I want to help our people in our USA by keeping our food from here, not in any other country!!!! Thank you to our farmers and Cattlemen.

  14. Ronald George Kukal, 29/04/2020

    I do demand USA Beef on my table, and will do all I can to stay away from anything imported. I am going to sign the petition also.

  15. LesterDrawdy, 28/04/2020

    I don’t want imported mest from other countries. We need to keep our beef producers in this counry working,not destroying their cattle to buy from other countries!

  16. Sean Frainey, 28/04/2020

    Keep it in our country!!!

  17. Keith Snider, 28/04/2020

    Stop this stupid insanity crap right now!! Has everyone gone loco? I want our own meats and vegetables grown right here in our own country! Anything to stir up more crap and just keep it coming! I thought our politicians that we vote in office were hired to serve the people, not the people serving the government while they sit back rich and watch us try to feed our families and make ends meet. Where is this insanity gonna stop??????

  18. Mike Souder, 28/04/2020

    I support American jobs! Trump 2020!

  19. Sherry Burgess, 28/04/2020

    As an American Consumer, I demand Beef from only the USA. I refuse to buy beef from another country. I further demand that All meat products be labeled with the country of origin. I would rather become a vegetarian than eat imported meat.

  20. Joyce Retherford, 28/04/2020

    As a consumer, I demand that the country of origin is placed on every label of every food that I buy in the grocery store. USA product is what I pay for and what I will buy. I don’t want to be forced to buy from some smaller country that doesn’t have the same stringent guidelines for producing that we have.

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