Can you think of a funny caption for this picture of a cow with thwarted ambitions to climb a ladder to greener pastures?
If so head across to our Facebook page by clicking on the link below and add your entry.
The best caption as chosen by our team of judges will win a copy of Andrew Chapman and Tim Lee’s wonderful tribute to droving, The Long Paddock, courtesy of ABC Books.
We look forward to your entries, and best of luck!
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Told ya dad, its cows and ladders not snakes and ladders.
A wise old cow once said… What goes up must come down!
I’m heading for home from a high stress people handling course. In the interest of work place safety we now provide exit facilities for people who highly stress their cows.
‘This new ear tag feels different to the old one.’
Here I am. Outstanding in my field on the ladder to success.
I believe you wanted the ladder?
So, a cow runs into a ladder.
She says, “I rung you, you didn’t answer?”
and the ladder says, ” I know , I hung up on you”.
Please phone Dr Simmental, he will know what to do.
Trying to keep above the climbing prices
She’s taking a ladder because she heard that drinks were on the house.
The black cat crossed my path as I walked under the ladder!!
The blue truck is to blame!
Who said cows can’t be creative!
I know Angus has short ribs! But it now looks like I have found the poms Jacobs Ladder!
Quick girls the molasses tank is this way! OR Seriously have you seen the legs on angus bulls?
” It’s a steal, $5 bucks “
The Blackadder.
I wish i could climb up to be a Wagyu!
to the Dexter bull ,’ you’re up, I’m cycling!'[ that was a bit of a lowline]
Stairway to China.?
Or Shortcut to China!
Is this my stairway to heaven
We Angus have always been adept at crawling under, through and over most fences I’m simply taking it to the next level – he he now keep me in ………….if you can!!
When they said that, We, Angus Cattle have found the Ladder for success, isn’t this what were supposed to do?
Romeo, Romeo, where art thow? Bugger it i;m headin for you.
It didn’t come with instructions!
I’m here to clean the gutters on the hay shed, really I am!
Don’t you think this makes me look fat?
No Bull!! This social ladder climbing thing is not what they all said it was!!!!!!
I wonder how the other breeds do it????
MOOving on up!
Wow there is bling and there is BLING
i rung you
“Is it obvious that we Angus are social climbers”
We will never be LPA accredited