A cow walks into a ladder… and creates an almost impossible job for judges trying to pick a winner from dozens of funny captions submitted as a result.
More than 80 entries were entered in our caption competition via our Facebook and directly to Beef Central over the past week.
In order to find a winner we asked 10 members of the Beef Central editorial, advertising and production team to each pick their two favourite captions from the mix.
Showing how hard it was to pick a winner, more than 12 captions received votes.
But ultimately it was the caption submitted by Tim Kelf which has earned him a copy of The Long Paddock from ABC Books – see the winning entry and the runners up below.
“This is no yoke!”
Tim Kelf
Runners up:
“Does my bum look big in this?”
Richard Rains
“So a cow runs into a ladder. She says: “I rung you, you didn’t answer? and the ladder says “I know I hung up on you.”
Chris Gunther
“This new ear tag feels different to the old one.”
Paul McLean
“Mum told me jump over the moon”
Susanne Rhall
“Queen to husband- “Oh dear, I have another ladder in my black stock King!”
Keith Hastie
“and for Fashion in the fields , Lucinda is wearing a black leather , over the shoulder Onesie,framed beautifully with a cubed aluminium fascinator , punctuated on her off side with an allflex nlis argle button.Portraying todays marketing theme of Grand , Mighty and Angry”
Geoff Maynard
“Stuck on the Cowporate ladder”
Paul Martin
“MOOving on up!”
Elizabeth Kelly
“I thought this was a step in the right direction”
Carli McConnel
“That bale, top far corner in the hay shed, smells really good. Here, I brought the ladder.”
Andrew Maddox
“It’s actually a new type of cowbell. made of rungs, instead of rings, because kids nowadays can’t spell.”
Matthew Arkinstall
“Try getting me up the loading ramp now!”
Richard Rains
Congratulations Mr Kelf. Well deserved.