
Changing eating patterns point to increased protein demands

Beef Central 24/01/2025

USE of anti-obesity medications or AOMs and the associated demand for protein rich foods is a global trend set to benefit Australian producers of lamb, beef and goat.

Changed eating patterns due to the rising use of anti-obesity drugs, increased use of biological fertilisers, a shift towards in-home alcohol consumption and increasing demand for dairy products for older consumers are among top global food and agri trends set to be felt in Australia in the next five years, according to a Rabobank podcast series.

In the podcast series, global strategists from the bank’s RaboResearch division examine the top ‘ farm to fork’ trends along the global supply chain for food and agriculture up to 2030.

The global agribusiness banking specialist has identified a number of major macro factors set to impact across the sector out to the end of the decade.

These include changing trade dynamics due to potential tariffs and government policies, an ageing global population, rapid innovation and adoption of AI across the supply chain and a continuing focus on sustainability, with 2030 approaching as the deadline for a number of policy and corporate climate targets.

RaboResearch Australia and New Zealand general manager Stefan Vogel said a large number of other global trends are seen emerging in – or continuing to drive – specific parts of the food and agri supply chain.

Rabobank said the use of so-called anti-obesity medications is already starting to have a discernible impact on the food industry in the United States, and other countries – particularly in Europe and Asia – might follow suit.

Mr Vogel said users of these medications tend to consume fewer calories and choose to eat different foods.

This is particularly being seen in the United States — where the use of medications such as Ozempic and Wegovy is more prevalent – but this is expected to spread to other markets around the world, with AOMs predicted to become used by larger percentages of the population to control hunger to achieve weight loss and improve health, he said.

Mr Vogel said studies show users of AOMs often cut down their consumption of calorie-dense and processed foods while their grocery spend on nutrient rich and perceived healthy foods, like yoghurt and fresh produce, rises.

“Some call this trend ‘no-hunger games’ as these drugs reduce appetite, leading to a decrease in calorie intake and a shift away from sweet and high-calorie foods, and from alcohol, towards more protein-rich options,” he said.

“While only a portion of the population will be using them, and not all users are on the drugs continuously, the impact on the consumption of sweet goods and alcohol could be more pronounced than on other categories.

“Conversely, the increased focus on protein intake that is noted when people are on this type of medication – to counteract muscle wastage and also because they tend to exercise more – means there is more demand for protein-rich foods,” he said.

“These range from, at consumer level, the growing prevalence of people using anti-obesity medication in the US and some European and Asian countries – and the resulting changed diets that are impacting shopping baskets – through to, at farm level, the expected rapid growth in many regions of the use of ‘biologicals’, natural products that enhance crop growth,” he said.

Rabobank also expects increased on-farm usage of natural products – biologicals — to enhance plant growth and health by improving nutrient uptake, pest resistance and soil health.

Mr Vogel said the usage of biologicals is expected to become more readily accepted in traditional farming and to be used in conjunction with other conventional farm inputs to enhance their effectiveness.

“For example, biologicals are being used alongside nitrogen fertiliser to help take up nitrogen out of the soil and fix it to the plant,” he said.

Mr Vogel said biopesticides derived from natural sources – such as bacteria and fungi – also had potential to control pests and diseases, with reduced impact on beneficial organisms and the environment.

Other top trends in food and agri to 2030 discussed in the podcast series were:

  • the growing popularity of smaller, snack-sized fruit and vegetables — such as berries and cocktail tomatoes — and those with enhanced convenience qualities, including pre-cut vegetables and easy-peel fruit;
  • increasing use of sustainable packaging, such as recycled-moulded fibre and;
  • an even stronger role expected to be played by climate risk and mitigation in companies’ strategic and operational plans, including in diversified sourcing and business growth.


Source: Rabobank. The RaboResearch Top 2030 Global Trends podcasts are available at RaboResearch Podcasts or search ‘RaboResearch’ in any major podcast app.


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