
CCA seeks right of reply over ‘inaccurate information’

Jon Condon 06/10/2017

Editor’s comment: Cattle Council of Australia has sought right of reply to recent comments from industry stakeholders, following the release of the Rural and Regional Affairs Senate report into the Consolidation of the red meat processing sector. Published below is CCA’s statement, issued a few minutes ago:


Cattle Council of Australia is calling out the extensive inaccuracies of recent ‘opinion pieces’ and online reader comment published post the Rural and Regional Affairs Senate report into the Consolidation of the red meat processing sector.

Cattle Council of Australia President Howard Smith said the ongoing misrepresentation of the facts by some stakeholders needed to be clarified.

“The suggestion that CCA undertake jaunts and flies business class is simply not true,” he said.

“CCA decision-making processes include extensive consultation with producers who are supported by highly-skilled and committed staff.”

“Cattle Council of Australia represents the industry at the national level by participating in over 80 committees across all issues affecting producers.”

“CCA has a responsibility to engage internationally to ensure the Australian beef industry remains competitive for the future,” said Mr Smith.

Cattle Council of Australia is a professional industry body and engages through extensive consultation and representation across Australia.

The consultation process engages directly with beef producers whom volunteer their time to regularly meet and work hard to ensure the prosperity of the beef industry through CCA’s consultation frame work.

Cattle Council of Australia recognises that the industry is changing and is committed to transitioning industry representation to an independent direct-elect model that encourages levy payer direct engagement through consultation and policy development.

CCA acknowledges the ongoing support of the State Farming Organisations AgForce Queensland, New South Wales Farmers’ Association, Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association, Pastoralists’ and Graziers’ Association of Western Australia, Victorian Farmers’ Federation, Western Australian Farmers Federation, Livestock South Australia and Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association, and their members and looks forward to increasing engagement to all levy payers.


Source: Cattle Council of Australia

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