
Cattle Council appoints new CEO

Beef Central 25/09/2019

EXPERIENCED agricultural advocate Travis Tobin has been appointed the Cattle Council of Australia’s new Chief Executive Officer.

Mr Tobin will transition from his current role as Queensland Farmers’ Federation CEO to take-up the Canberra-based Cattle Council appointment, which he will commence in November.

Prior to serving for three and a half years in his current QFF position representing 13,000 intensive, semi-intensive and irrigation farmers in Queensland, Mr Tobin gained extensive experience in various roles with the Federal Department of Agriculture in Canberra.

He has also worked for the Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia, as a National Australia Bank business analyst and earlier in his career he spent time working on family livestock properties in NSW and South Australia.

Mr Tobin has a Bachelor of Agriculture (University of Adelaide), Masters of Business Administration (University of South Australia) and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Cattle Council president Tony Hegarty said Mr Tobin’s appointment would strengthen beef industry advocacy and policy development on a national scale, especially given producers are currently discussing the Red Meat Industry’s new Memorandum of Understanding, the Meat Industry Strategic Plan (MISP) 2030 and Cattle Council’s own restructure.

“Australia’s livestock and red meat representational structures are at an historic juncture and Cattle Council needs to continue to play a proactive role in shaping the future, both in terms of the whole-of-industry direction and our own internal structure to strengthen grassroots producer representation,” Mr Hegarty said.

“Travis boasts clear leadership and advocacy skills, and his organisational and change-management experience will also be crucial assets for Cattle Council, producers and industry stakeholders.”

Mr Tobin said the Cattle Council leadership role presented a set of unique and attractive challenges.

“Advocating on behalf of Australian farmers is a significant responsibility and, given the importance of the beef cattle industry to the national economy and regional communities, effective representation is absolutely vital,” Mr Tobin said.

“Australia’s beef cattle producers boast such a proud story. Hard-working rural families producing healthy, clean, green beef of the highest quality, sustainably managing a huge portion of the national landmass and generating significant economic value for the nation.

“Cattle Council must continue to articulate these economic, environmental and food security imperatives and ensure we’re working with government to strengthen the policy framework to promote producer productivity and profitability.”

Source: Cattle Council of Australia



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