The peak industry council representing grassfed cattle producers across Australia has conducted its 2021 annual general meeting, while further AGMs follow today for the Red Meat Advisory Council and Meat & Livestock Australia.
At its AGM yesterday Cattle Council members endorsed all four directors standing for re-election at the Cattle Council of Australia Annual General Meeting.
The 2021 AGM saw the second-highest voter turnout for the annual ballot.
The following representatives were endorsed to continue in their roles:
- Bill Stacy from NSW Farmers.
- Anne Stanes from the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association.
- Digby Corker from the Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia.
- Paul Saward from the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association.
Cattle Council President, Markus Rathsmann congratulated the board members, who have been duly elected to serve another term.
“All four members have shown an ongoing commitment to stand up for beef producers and progress the industry,” Mr Rathsmann said.
“Their dedication to our industry will be extremely valuable and help engage more cattle producers as we work towards a restructure as a peak industry body for grassfed cattle.
“I congratulate them all on their re-election and look forward to working with them.”
In addition, AgForce Queensland Director Lloyd Hick was returned as Vice President by the board.
The board also reappointed Oliva Lawson as the chair of the CCA Governance, Finance and Audit Committee along with returning members Markus Rathsmann and Bill Stacy, and new members Gillian Fennell and Alice Greenup.
The Red Meat Advisory Council will hold its annual general meeting via a virtual video meeting this morning, while Meat & Livestock Australia will hold its AGM at 3:30pm ADST this afternoon.