Movement restrictions remain in place on 48 Queensland properties under Queensland’s Bovine Johne’s Disease management program.
Of that number, 32 are under movement restrictions in response to the QLD2012 incident and 17 properties are under movement restrictions in response to the Qld2013 incident.
One property is involved in both incidents.
A Queensland Government communiqué update issued late last week states that laboratory testing for Qld2012 investigations include slaughter samples of 331 animals from 70 properties, 104 samples from live individual traceforward animals on 25 properties, and 13,338 faecal samples from in-contact cattle from 38 herds.
Laboratory testing for Qld2013 investigations include slaughter samples of 57 animals from nine properties, seven samples from live individual traceforward animals on one property, and 2068 faecal samples from in-contact cattle from six herds.
The rate of testing has reduced as on-farm testing is mostly awaiting scheduled sampling.
To date, the number of Qld2012 traceforward animals in Queensland with confirmed BJD remains at five. Three of these animals have been assessed as low risk of spreading infection; the in-contact herds of the other two infected bulls are undertaking disease risk eradication by partial herd destocking and this has been completed in one herd and is nearing completion in the other.
In addition, there are 16 Queensland cattle properties under movement restrictions due to eight BJD incidents unrelated to either Qld2012 or Qld2013.
The communiqué said Biosecurity Queensland officers continue to work with affected producers to ease movement restrictions in accordance with agreed policy.