Cattle numbers in Australian feedlots reached a new record in December, with how many on feed according to the latest feedlot survey?
- 1.3 million
- 1.5 million
- 1.7 million
- 1.1 million
Can you locate the country with the highest per capita beef consumption in the world?
<p>Click on or tap on the country</p>
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How has the number of Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) workers employed in Australian meat processing changed over the past year?
- Increased by 30 percent
- Decreased by 30 percent
- Increased by 15 percent
- Decreased by 15 percent
Rank Australia’s markets for live cattle exports in 2023 by volume.
<p>Drag each name to place in order (largest market at top)</p>
- Indonesia
- Vietnam
- China
- Israel
- Philippines
As the Australian Agricultural Co celebrates its 200th year this year, which of the following employee/labour claims are true?
<p>Select one</p>
- The company at one point used convict labour
- Former US president Grover Cleveland (1893-1897) once worked for AA Co as a bore-runner
- There was a staff mutiny over wages in 1907
- During the Crimean War (1853-56) female employees briefly outnumbered males
Wagga Wagga in NSW and Thangool in Qld are both home to hotels named what?
- The Red Steer
- The White Bull
- The Roan Heifer
- The Black Cow
Where is the cube roll located?
<p>Click or tap on the location</p>
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What percentage of the world’s Certified Organic land area is located in Australia?
- 54 percent
- 24 percent
- 14 percent
- 1.4 percent
AAM Investment Group managing director Garry Edwards has been named president of which industry representative organisation?
- Cattle Australia
- Red Meat Advisory Council
- Australian Meat Industry Council
- Australian Lot Feeders Association
Beef 2024 will represent what number of beef expos held in Rockhampton since the first triennial event commenced?
- 13
- 12
- 14
- 15
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- If you love the cattle industry and love a quiz, The Great Aussie Cattle Quiz might be perfect for you! The game was created by the Beef Central team to provide an entertaining and educational experience for anyone aged 10 and up interested in testing and expanding their knowledge about the Australian beef industry – to find out how to buy a copy click here