What does a blue tailtag on a cow in a saleyard in Australia mean?
- Cow is in calf more than four months.
- Cow is in calf less than four months
- Cow is not detectably in calf.
- Cow is from a certified organic cattle enterprise
Hanwoo cattle are native to which region of Asia?
<p>Click or tap on correct region on map</p>
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Why does the US hold its presidential elections on a Tuesday, rather than Saturdays like most other countries?
- For the convenience of farmers
- Phonetically Tuesday sounds like “Choose Day”
- Tuesday is traditionally pay-day in America
- George Washington was born on a Tuesday
Match each cattle station below to its correct owner:1. Victoria River Downs2. Brunette Downs3. Newcastle Waters4. Alexandria
<p><strong><span style=”font-size: 18px”>Position each company in the correct order according to which station it owns </span></strong><span style=”font-size: 18px”>(i.e. drag owner of Victoria River Downs to top position, Brunette to second position, Newcastle Waters to third, Alexandra to fourth)</span></p><p></p>
- Heytesbury Pastoral
- Australian Agricultural Company
- Consolidated Pastoral Company
- North Australian Pastoral Company
Bushrangers Captain Thunderbolt and Captain Starlight had connections to which historic Australian rural company?
<p>Select one</p>
- Australian Agricultural Company
- Elders
- Australian Estates
- RM Williams
Australian cattle market reports often refer to 90CL prices. What does CL stand for?
- Chemical Lean
- Carcase Levy
- Cents per pound
- Hundred-weight
Where is the “plate” located?
<p>Click or tap on the location</p>
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Biloela and Gayndah are strains of which grass?
- Buffel
- Rhodes
- Bambatsi
- Queensland Bluegrass
What is heliciculture?
- Snail farming
- The study of helicopter flight patterns and maintenance techniques
- The study of serious pests of field crops in the northern grains region of Australia
- A process used in the production of lab-grown meat
The Meat Standards Australia tenderness guarantee scheme was launched in 1998. What year did the nation’s largest retailer, Woolworths, first introduce meat packs carrying MSA identity?
- 2008
- 2004
- 1998
- 2012
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