THE Australian Government’s decision to establish its fuel reserve in the United States is a serious strategic error, chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Geoff Crouch, said this week.
“The move to establish our strategic fuel reserve in the united states is both a national economic issue, and a national security issue,” Mr Crouch said, following last week’s announcement from Energy Minister Angus Taylor that the Australian government is setting up a $94 million strategic fuel reserve in the United States.
Mr Crouch said that at the end of 2019, Australia had just 24 consumption days of petrol and 22 consumption days of diesel in stock.
“Angus Taylor has said himself that that it could take up to 40 days for fuel to make its way from the US to Australia,” Mr Crouch said.
“That means Australia would be brought to a standstill for up to 16 days with no access to fuel,” he said.
Mr Crouch said that the arrangement is simply unrealistic and has called for domestic fuel security.
“Liquid fuel is critical to trucking and critical for our economy. Without trucks and the fuel that powers them, Australia stops,” Mr Crouch said.
“As most commodities produced or consumed in Australia are delivered by road, no fuel means supermarkets would go empty, medicines wouldn’t get delivered and rubbish bins wouldn’t get emptied,” he said.
The Australian Trucking Association and its member associations collectively represent the businesses and people of the Australian trucking industry.
Very good response.
The ‘just in time’ economic theory should not apply to such an essential item as fuel.
The reduction in fuel production and storage in Australia was driven by excessive costs in Australia compared to other countries. There must be a solution.
Correct Val. That also goes for almost everything else which why we import everything and why we are so dependent on China. We have priced ourselves out of every market. We spent billions propping up an ailing car industry for decades trying to compete with less expensive and more efficient plants.
USA keeps 30 million gallons not litres on hand in case of war etc makes you wonder is Australia serious about this we’re swimming in oil & gas & can’t get it at a decent price.Whatever party is in power donations rule to political party’s from the resource sector.
Agree with you Geoff Crouch, Australia should be investing in storage here at home- to run at a months supply on hand seems very light for a commodity so necessary at all times.
What a pathetic response by government.
We need three months plus supplies as a minimum on Australian soil.
Where is the wisdom and strategic planning by government ministers who are supposed to had a great education and develop a vision for Australia. They could not survive outside in real life and do not understand the real strategic dangers that confront our country.
Their current thinking will have Australia’s strategic security position under continued threat by our potential enemies. Wake up before it is too late.