
Applications open for 2015 NAB Agribusiness Rising Champion initiative

Beef Central 21/05/2015

Cattle Council of Australia is seeking young beef producers and industry representatives across the country to apply for the 2015 NAB Agribusiness Rising Champion.

Now in its fifth year, the initiative attracts young beef industry enthusiasts from across the country interested in having their say on national policy decisions.

Aimed at nurturing and encouraging the next generation of advocates for the cattle industry, the 2015 NAB Agribusiness Rising Champion is open to producers aged between 21 and 35 years of age.

“Rising Champions is about providing young people involved in beef supply chain with the opportunity to have input into issues that will have an impact upon their career and their future,” says CCA president Howard Smith.

“Past Rising Champions have benefited from gaining industry contacts and a foot in the door.”

Finalists will spend three days in Canberra attending the Catherine Marriot Personal Development Workshop, Parliamentary tour and discussions at the Department of Agriculture.

Sam Becker

Sam Becker

Finalists will be asked to make a presentation on a topic that has been chosen by Cattle Council, NAB Agribusiness and their local SFOs within areas of trade and market access, the environment, research and development and animal health and welfare and biosecurity.

Sam Becker, the 2014 NAB Agribusiness Rising Champion, said it is important for the youth of today to take advantage of such opportunities within the beef industry.

“This initiative has provided me with some amazing contacts and allowed me to gain skills that I can use throughout my career,” he said.

The person that demonstrates the greatest leadership potential will win the title of ‘2015 NAB Agribusiness Rising Champion’ to be announced at a Gala Dinner on August 1at the National Press Club. This title will include joining CCA at the Five Nations Beef Alliance Conference held in October in Mexico.

The winner will also be provided with a seat on one of the local CCA committees, providing opportunity to voice ideas and concerns for youth development and guest speaking roles at functions as determined by Cattle Council.

The award is made possible through Cattle Council’s initiative partners including NAB Agribusiness, McDonalds Australia, Fairfax Media and the State Farming Organisations.

Applications close 7 June.


Applications and more details are available via the Cattle Council website – click here to access.


Source: CCA



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