Latest listings on our recruitment page, Jobs Central:
- Plant/General Manager (Rimfire client)
- Qualified Butchers (Super Butcher)
- Chief Executive Officer (AuctionsPlus)
- Marketing Coordinator (Stanbroke)
- Livestock Officer (Wellard Group)
- Production Supervisor – Livestock Handling Equipment (Thompson Longhorn)
- Red Meat Consultant – Saudi Arabia (SALIC)
- Live Export Manager (Primaries, a Ruralco business)
- Animal Health – Territory Manager (Elanco)
- To access Jobs Central, including full listings and job descriptions of these and other positions, click here.
THE differences in high performing people versus the average are quite stark.
High performers achieve so much more in their personal and professional lives and have a positive impact on those around them.
Presented here is a series of ten key attributes that are consistent with high performing people:
Highly effective people:
Make the tough decisions (including to be highly effective);
Own the decision and are responsible for the outcome.
Highly effective people:
Understand it’s not what they do but what they stand for;
Know their daily actions are their legacy in motion.
Highly effective people:
Understand discipline requires mental toughness;
Hold themselves accountable for distractions, interruptions etc.
Get the fundamentals right
Highly effective people:
Understand businesses don’t fail, people fail;
Ensure there is the right balance between creation and maintenance.
Embrace change
Highly effective people:
Honour the past, but are not consumed by it;
Remain open to possibilities presented rather than defend the status quo.
Deep engagement
Highly effective people:
Know that technical excellence is only part of the success story;
Separate the person from the issue or the problem;
Respect others regardless of whether they like them.
Energy management
Highly effective people:
Have high energy and enthusiasm without chaos. They are “can-do” people;
They create “can-do” teams and organisations.
Managing emotions
Highly effective people:
Don’t waste energy on things they can’t control;
Are grateful for what they have not what they don’t have.
Intelligent persistence
Highly effective people:
Are persistent;
They also know when its time to let go.
Looking after self
Highly effective people:
Understand personal health is the platform for all the other factors;
Know proper diet, adequate exercise and sufficient rest are the key ingredients
* David Hanlon is the founder of the Right Mind International Pty Ltd. The Right Mind is a nationally recognised leader in the development of people and programs for excellence in human performance.