
AACo appoints executive director

Beef Central 11/04/2017


The Australian Agricultural Company has announced the appointment of Dr Shehan Dissanayake to the position of Executive Director.

An ASX statement to the ASX this morning said the interim role has been created to accelerate the ongoing transformation of the company from a traditional cattle operation to a premium branded beef exporter.

In this role, Dr Dissanayake will report to the Board of AACo and CEO/Managing Director Jason Strong.

Dr Dissanayake has been a director of AACo since 2012.

AACo Chairman Donald McGauchie said Dr Dissanayake would play an important operational role at AACo as the company expands its brands into more export markets.

“Tapping the international business expertise of Shehan is a victory for AACo,” Mr McGauchie said.

“AACo is now firmly established as a premium branded beef exporter and Shehan will help ensure we have the strategy, operations and infrastructure in place to properly service our established markets and take advantage of the emerging opportunities for growth that we see.

“Shehan’s role will include implementing a culture consistent with our brands and building world-class IT to service our global supply chain.

“He will also oversee the company’s innovations in genetics, genomics and nutrition, which are so crucial to our ongoing success and require a period of intense focus.”

Mr Strong said Dr Dissanayake’s appointment is a first step in strengthening the company’s executive ranks.

“Shehan’s presence on the executive team will accelerate the pace of the transformation already underway at the company,” Mr Strong said.

“His focus on major strategic projects will free me to drive areas of significant opportunity we have identified in existing and potential markets,” Mr Strong said.

Dr Dissanayake said: “I look forward to working with the Board and Jason to guide AACo into the next stage in its evolution into a luxury Australian brand.”

Dr Dissanayake, who has also been elected Vice Chairman of the Board of AACo, will spend a significant amount of time in this role and will be paid a salary of $139,800 a year in addition to his annual AACo director’s fees of $76,983.

Dr Dissanayake is a senior Managing Director and member of the Board of Directors of the Tavistock Group, a privately held investment company that owns 38 percent of AACo.

He has responsibility for portfolio strategy across 200 companies in 15 countries.

Before joining Tavistock Group in 2002, Shehan was a Managing Partner of Arthur Andersen. Earlier in his career, Shehan was involved in medical research and technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences from The University of Chicago.

Source: AACo


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