The Australian Government has announced $360,000 in funding for 13 new projects under the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy.
The projects, to be coordinated by the Australian Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, range in focus and will work to improve the welfare of performance, working, companion, research and teaching, production, and aquatic animals.
Deputy Secretary for the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), Phillip Glyde, said the projects would build on the Australian Government’s current work on animal welfare, such as the development of new
Australian Standards and Guidelines for the Welfare of Animals with State and Territory Governments, who have responsibility for domestic animal welfare in Australia.
“Each of the successful projects will support the delivery of Australia’s national animal welfare goals and objectives,” Mr Glyde said.
“The projects span across the country and apply to a number of industries. They have the opportunity to make a real contribution to improving the welfare of Australian animals.
“Australia is a world leader in animal welfare. This Government will continue to work with industry and interest groups to help ensure that stays the case.”
Projects include:
- Zoo and Aquarium Association – pilot study tool to measure positive animal welfare – $11,000;
- Australian Professional Rodeo Association (APRA) – development of rodeo animal welfare guidelines – $13,000;
- Australian Horse Industry Council – development of a resource kit for horse organisations – $43,000;
- Bureau of Animal Welfare, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria – engage on Working Dog Action Plan through – $25,000;
- Bureau of Animal Welfare, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria – raise awareness in children to respect animals – $18,000;
- University of Sydney Faculty of Veterinary Science – collect information on disorders of dogs and cats – $45,000;
- Murdoch University – evaluate training for surgical skills of vet students – $27,500;
- Australian National University – contribute to a national system to report animal use for research and teaching – $35,000;
- Animal Health Australia – develop strategies to improve planning for livestock in natural disasters – $40,000;
- Meat and Livestock Australia – develop a national communication strategy to support the livestock animal welfare standards & guidelines development and implementation – $5000;
- FRDC – fund the development and delivery of a communication plan for the aquatic animals sector – $75,000;
- Aquavet Pty. Ltd. – develop humane euthanasia techniques for ornamental fish – $15,650;
- Greenfish Consulting – review of ice slurry/refrigerated sea water for the killing and holding of fish – $40,120.
Mr Glyde said upgrades to the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy website meant information about new and current projects was more accessible than ever.
“Animal welfare is a priority for the Australian Government, as well as the community and industry more broadly,” he said.
“The AAWS website will help people stay informed about what projects are underway and what outcomes those projects are delivering.”
The AAWS is the national framework to improve animal welfare across all key animal use sectors.
About 140 experts and representatives are working to improve animal welfare and provide a high level of in-kind contribution and some funding to the program, including to the AAWS projects.
The 13 projects have each received funding ranging from $5,000 to $75,000.
Details of the projects and funds are available on the upgraded AAWS website (click here to view).