From St George, QLD these two lines totalling 178 Angus x Santa steers 6-9 months averaging 246kg returned $810/head or 330c/kg on Friday. A further 102 of their lighter brothers averaging 197kg made 347c or $690/head, while 58 backgrounder type sisters averaging 180kg made 239c or $430.
WHILE there was some improvement in clearance rates, most young steer and heifer categories continued to fall in value in online trading on Elders’ and Nutrien’s AuctionsPlus platform this week.
Cattle listings slipped 17 percent to 7497 head, while clearance improved to 48pc.
With young cattle prices continuing to slide, it suggests that the improvement in clearance rate is due to widespread adjustments to vendors’ reserves.
The urgency of a successful sale has increased as drier conditions put pressure on carrying capacity.
September/October is the peak season for listings of NSM heifers & calves and NSM cows & calves following spring calving and before joining. These categories saw listings increase by 10-18pc this week.
Young cattle categories lost further ground this week as restocker demand remains subdued. Feedlot buyers were active on the heavier steer categories, securing 46pc of the 330-400kg steers and 56pc of the 400kg+ steers.
Looking specifically at Angus listings, 50pc of all steers sold online were secured by feedlot buyers.
Steers 200-280kg registered a smaller offering of 1102 head and averaged 307c/kg, down 15c or $60/head from last week, for a 69pc clearance. Prices ranged from 247- 352c.
From St George, QLD two lines totalling 178 Angus x Santa steers 6-9 months averaging 246kg returned $810/head or 330c/kg. A further 102 of their lighter brothers averaging 197kg made 347c/kg or $690/head, while 58 backgrounder type sisters averaging 180kg made 239c/kg or $430.
Steers 330-400kg registered a smaller offering of 629 head and averaged 301c/kg – down 5c or $54 from last week for a 58pc clearance. Prices ranged from 243-335c. a A line of 22 Hereford steers 11-12 months averaging 356kg from Gundowring, VIC returned 329c/kg.
Heifers 200-280kg registered a smaller offering of 716 head and averaged 224c/kg – down another 21c/kg from last week for a 72pc clearance. Prices ranged from 179-334c.
From Holbrook, NSW 30 Angus heifers 11-12 months averaging 261kg returned $630 or 241c/kg, and will travel to a buyer near Hexham, VIC.
From Garoo on the NSW northwest slopes & plains, 78 Speckle Park/composite backgrounder heifers 248kg at 8-12 months made only 185c/kg or $460 a head.
Heifers 330-400kg registered a larger offering of 587 head and averaged 255c – down 2c from last week for a 30pc clearance. Prices ranged from 220-324c. A line of 24 Angus heifers 12-16 months averaging 388kg from Geranium, SA returned $1118, or 288c/kg.
Breeding females
PTIC heifers registered a smaller offering of 439 head and averaged $1126/head or 252c/kg – up $56 from last week for an 11pc clearance. A line of 28 Angus heifers 18-24 months averaging 465kg from Drumborg, SA returned $1300.
NSM heifers & calves registered a larger offering of 252 head and averaged $1886/pair – up $346 from last week for a 50pc clearance. From Cowra, NSW 31 Angus NSM heifers 25 months averaging 493kg, with calves at foot, returned $2220/pair, $420 over the reserve.
Prices as at 2pm Friday 1 September.
Source: AuctionsPlus