Yarding 5900 Change +1300
This week, cattle numbers in Wagga fell short by 1000 head, totalling 5800 cattle offered. Despite the shortfall, all regular buyers were present and actively engaged in the sale.
However, competition experienced fluctuations, resulting in a market correction of 20c/kg, occasionally witnessing greater declines.
In the cow market, traction significantly waned as both heavy and leaner types saw a decline of 20c/kg, while store cows faced reductions of 20c to 40c/kg. Prime vealers, though limited in number, prices ranging from 290c to 362c/kg. Trade heifers commanded prices up to 295c/kg, while the steer portion ranged from 328 to 335c/kg. Feedlot buyers displayed reluctance towards the elevated prices observed in the previous week, leading to a 20-cent decrease in prices for medium weights, ranging from 270 to 367 cents/kg, with occasional sales reaching 374 cents/kg. Medium-weight feeder heifers encountered weakened demand, slipping by 5 to 9 cents/kg, primarily selling between 250 to 324 cents/kg.
In the export market, sporadic price spurts were noted, although certain buyers remained subdued. Heavy steers experienced a 12c increase, selling from 250c to 336c/kg, while bullocks witnessed a decrease of 10c to 15c, trading between 255c to 325c/kg.
Challenges surfaced in the cow market as supply surpassed demand, prompting caution from both processors and restockers when bidding. Both heavy and leaner types saw a decline of 20c/kg, while store cows faced reductions of 20c to 40c/kg. Heavy cows trading between 215 to 258c/kg, while leaner types ranged from 190c to 227c/kg.
Market reporter: Leanne Dax
Source: NLRS Click here to view full Wagga report on NLRS website.