Yarding 2005 Change -595
There has been no major change to the feeder steers prices at Wagga in a smaller yarding of 2005.
The season continues to be the major influence ahead of solid demand for feeder types.
This week there were very few yearling cattle under 350kg, with plenty of weight in the offering. A noticeable standout of weight was the cow market, with one third weighing more than 700kg liveweight.
Steers 330-400kg returning to the paddock jumped 30c making from 378-460c to average $1593. Lighter weights were few making from 454-495c/kg.
There were only a limited number of heifers returning to the paddock and they made from 330-380c/kg.
Feeder steers were well supplied, and competition was sold with all weight categories unchanged. Steers 330-400kg sold from 400-422c/kg. Medium weight feed steers topped at 418c to average 395c/kg.
Trade steers sold to selective bidding which resulted in a cheaper trend of 12c to average 394c/kg.
Trade heifers were keenly sought by most domestic processors and there were plenty of bidding duels for the European cross types. Prices jumped 10c making from 375-415c/kg.
Grown steers and bullocks were in short supply. Both steers and bullock prices lifted 10-11c despite not all export processors operating to sell at 330-385c/kg.
The cow market sold to steady demand and at times picked up the pace for the correct heavy cow. The general run of heavy cows sold from 282-298c/kg. Leaner types were in short supply selling from 262-290c/kg.
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