Yarding 3390 Change +890
The Wagga cattle market saw numbers lift to 3390, in a fair to good offering.
Feeder steers displayed a varied pattern of prices ranging from unchanged to 20c/kg dearer for the lighter weights.
The fluctuations can be attributed to the varying quality, with the bulk selling from 295c to 361c/kg.
However, the scenario was different for feed heifers, as they struggled to attract buyers and experienced a price drop of 15c/kg.
The reasons behind the price drop were less major feedlot orders in play.
Trade steers and heifers sold to stronger demand from the south, with the steers portion gaining 40c/kg.
The majority of cattle sold from 240c to 350c/kg.
The market saw a significant increase in prices for heavy bullocks which surged by 36c/kg. This surge was driven by quality and the entrance of more processors.
Heavy bullock prices fetched 250c to 316c/kg providing encouraging boost for bullock fatners.
Cows, too, experienced intense bidding, leading to a big lift of 30c/kg.
Best cows sold from 240c to 278c/kg. Leaner grades sold from 195c to 238c/kg.
Market reporter: Leanne Dax
Source: NLRS Click here to view full Wagga report on NLRS website.