At Wagga cattle numbers dipped slightly to 4150 and results were a mixed bag.
Heavy export cattle prices strengthened again following on from the dearer trend the previous week.
The higher prices offered, caused a larger number of well-finished heavy grown steers and bullocks to enter the market regardless of the favourable spring conditions.
The seasonal shortage of export cattle at some selling centres was reflected in the bullock price, with the better quality pens selling 4c dearer making from 280c-294c/kg. Heavy grown steers 500-600kg sold to erratic price trends with aged steers dragging rates back by up to 5c to average 283ckg. Heavy heifer rates slipped 5-6c, the better shaped pens selling from 266c-288c/kg.
Vealer numbers declined and quality slipped. Vealers at the top end slipped 5-13c to sell from 276-318c/kg. Vealers lacking finish were keenly contested by feedlots and store orders and buyers paid from 280-333c/kg to average 322c/kg.
Bidding for medium weight trade steers was influenced by the level of feedlot competition at times. Domestic processors backed off all trade weight categories resulting in a cheaper trend of 11c/kg. Medium weight steers topped at 298c to average 286c/kg.
Big numbers of well finished yearling heifers suitable for the trade kept a lid on rates, with prices easing 11c/kg. The bulk of the better finished heifers averaged 260c to top at 288c/kg.
Prices for feeder heifers lifted 8c/kg on the back a larger contingent of feedlot buyers. Lighter weight heifers to feed on 330-400kg made from 265c-312c/kg.
Supply wise yearling steers suitable for feedlots were well supplied and restockers entered the ray on steers mostly under 400kg. Feeder steers were unchanged to a few cents dearer, with the medium weights averaging 294c/kg.
The cow market gathered pace as the sale progressed. Prices were 3-4c dearer for higher yielding lines to average 238c/kg. Heavy cows made from 234-250c, while good clean lean cows ranged from 216c-238c/kg.