At Wagga numbers lifted to 3,285 cattle in a better quality offering.
Even with a shortage of export cattle the market lacked competition easing 2-12c/kg.
The cheaper trend was obvious at the commencement of the sale with only two processors operating, while feedlot competition was also subdued for the feeder steer portion.
Top quality younger lines of heavy grown steers 500 -600kg to slaughter made from 340-367c/kg.
Bullocks were in limited supply selling from 310-356c/kg.
Heavy heifers were more keenly sought by processors and price was generally unchanged selling from 287-346c/kg.
The trade market continued to struggle to find well finished steers and to compete against the higher rates offered by feedlots.
Medium weight grass finished steers were 8c cheaper, with domestic buyers paying to a top of 399c/kg.
The better finished steers made from 352c-385c/kg.
Competition for trade heifers 400-500kg strengthened, influenced by the strong feedlot demand for feeder steers, which caused heifer rates to lift 14c/kg.
Medium weight trade heifers fetched 341-398c/kg. Another market to experience a dearer trend was for well-bred feeder steers where prices jumped 11c/kg. Lighter weight feeder steers topped at 400c to average 385c/kg.
Medium weight feeder’s steers firmed topping at 392c to average 370c/kg.
Price results in the feeder heifer market tended to be erratic at times, with stronger competition emerging late in the sale. Most heifer categories were unchanged selling at 336-384c/kg.
There was good numbers of lighter weight store conditioned weaners, which attracted stronger bidding from restockers.
There were no flat spots in the market and steers 280-320 kg made from 380c-468c/kg to average $1004. Light weight heifers returning to the paddock made from 283c-380c/kg.
The cow market opened on a weaker note for well finished types with rates 6/kg lower.
Well finished cows sold from 274c-293c/kg. A
Northern export company upped the ante for lean cows pushing prices 11c higher.
The better covered lean cow sold from 255-293c/kg.