
Wagga sale 5 July: Prices rally in smaller yarding

Leann Dax 06/07/2021

Yarding 2700 Change 450

Cattle prices continued to rally led by the cow and bullock market in a smaller yarding 2460 at Wagga.

The market bounced 20-24c for heavy steers and bullocks  Rain across NSW and Queensland and tighter supplies have combined to put a stronger floor in prices.

Heavy steers sold from 410c to 510c, while bullocks sold at 306c to 442ckg.

The cow market was on fire and prices were underpinned by a national shortage  lifted as the sale progressed.

Heavy cows made from 305c to 365c with the bulk of the heavy D4 cows  averaged a whooping 350c/kg.

The national livestock reporting service quoted feeder steers firm to 8c dearer.

Feedlots and restockers competed against each other for the pick of the well-bred steers 330-400kg. Restockers paid to 554 while feedlots topped at 538c/kg.

Medium weight feeder steers remained unchanged averaging 499c/kg

There was a lot more bidding activity for medium weight feeder heifers which resulted in a price gain of 23c/kg.

The bulk averaged 470c/kg.

Lighter weight heifers were in shorter supplies and quality slipped to the previous sale.

The very good lines made up 502c while the plainer types sold to a low of 430c/kg.

Trade steers and heifers were few and prices produced distorted trends.

Trade steers sold at 460c to 500c/kg.

Trade heifers made from 430c to 490c/kg.

There was a small but very good selection of vealer steers and heifers .

The pick of the vealers sold from 480c to 536c/kg.

To view full NLRS report click here


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