
Wagga sale 27 Feb 2023: Quality results in mixed price trends

Leann Dax 27/02/2023

Yarding 3226 Change – 526

At wagga numbers increased to just over 3200. The market showed mixed price trends, due to plainer quality and less numbers of well-bred stock.

Rates for top trade weight slaughter steers was 12c cheaper, with domestic processors reluctant to push much beyond 380c/kg for grass finished and supplementary fed yearlings. The better finished steers made from 340-390c/kg.

Trade heifers were again limited, with a feedlot helping to lift rates. The main run of medium trade weight heifers gained 15c topping at 390c to average 379c/kg.

Feeder steers sold to a small group of buyers and demand was solid. Medium weight steers made from 346-414c/kg.

In contrast feeder heifer prices softened 24c for lighter weights, with very few orders in operation. Feed heifers 400-500kg gained 5c selling at 340-388c/kg.

Steers returning to the paddock sold to weak demand, with hot dry conditions hindering restockers. Well-bred steers slipped 30c making from 405-435c/kg to average $1023

Heavy steers and bullocks were well supplied, and all processors were working to secure numbers. Price was unchanged to 3c dearer. The bulk making from 320-379c/kg.

Heavy cow rates were unchanged to 3c easier fetching 285-306c/kg. Leaner types were in shorter supply selling at 220-275c/kg

Market reporter: Leann Dax

Click here to view full report on NLRS website








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