
Wagga sale 26 Nov 2018: Market rallies following rain

Leann Dax 27/11/2018

Yarding 4200 Change 520

At Wagga numbers were moderately higher with 4200 cattle penned. The market rallied following heavy rain last week for secondary cattle, while the prime cattle sold to mixed price trends.

Price gains recorded last week for export cattle were lost, as  northern processors backed away from pushing rates. Pens of C3 steers 500-600kg sold 4-5c/kg cheaper making from 220-278c/kg. The feedlots buyers purchased the pick of the heavy steers paying from 260-286c/kg.

A feature of the heavy export market was the heifer portion where an exceptional pen of Angus heifers weighing approximately 530kg made 270c/kg. Most of the better shaped heifers lost traction selling 4c cheaper fetching 184c to 268c/kg.

The trade market experienced fluctuating prices for trade steers due impart to stronger demand from feedlots.  Medium weight steers suitable for the trade made from 256c-282c/kg. Once again there was solid domestic processor demand for heifers which kept price steady to a few cents dearer. The bulk of the medium weight heifers made from 245-286c to average 262c/kg.

The feeder market produced stronger price trends for well-bred feeder cattle where prices lifted 8- 10c/kg.  Medium weight feeder’s steers topped at 314c to average 286c/kg.  Lighter weight feeder heifers were a hot ticket item selling 9c dearer, making from 230c-276c/kg.

There was a moderate increase in lighter weight store conditioned weaners, which sold to steady restocker bidding. There were some flat spots in the market dependent on breed. Well-bred steers 200-280kg consistently made from 232c-278c/kg. Light weight heifers with plenty of frame topped at 210c to average 184c/kg

The cow market opened on a steady note with price unchanged. Well finished cows made from 208c-240c/kg.  Southern and northern export processors battled it out for leaner categories. The main run of leaner cows selling at 155-208c/kg.

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