
Wagga sale 25 May 2020: Strong run into winter continues

Leann Dax 26/05/2020

Cattle prices at Wagga continued their stellar run leading into the winter, gaining 15-28c/kg.

Nearly all classes of stock were quoted as dearer thanks to a mix of stronger processor competition, along with feedlot and restocker demand ramping up.

The standout prices of the sale were in the export run where bullocks weighing just over 600kg hit 400c/kg, lifting rates by 15c to average 387c/kg.

Heavy steers met stronger competition from exporters and domestic processors improving 25c making from 355c to 395c/kg.

The bulk of the offering were cattle weighing less than 360kg. Restockers , back grounders and feedlots went head to head trying to secure supplies. The stronger competition pushed lighter weight steers 200-280kg up 28c the bulk making 400-528c/kg.

The heifer portion surged 41c selling at 418-494c to average $1107 per head.

Feed steers were in short supply and the medium weights were unchanged making from 375c-415c averaging 406c/kg.

Feed heifers were in limited supply which resulted in a dearer trend 8c selling at 360-401c/kg.

Trade cattle were few with heifers averaging 396c while trade steers 400-500kg made from 390-438c jumping 20c/kg.

The cow market rallied, and prices were generally 6-8c/kg dearer. Heavy cows sold from 295-328c to average 318c/kg. The leaner types sold from 275-310c/kg. Store cows sold at 278-332/kg.


















































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