Yarding 3200 Change 1175
A bigger yarding of 3200 cattle saw prices become quite unstable at times with big price dips in the market along the way. The usual buying group were at the rail and most were buying but at lower rate levels. It showed up in the price results for some classes of stock.
Good quality trade steers were difficult to quote due to the limited supply Prices ranged from 478 to 566c/kg. Heifers suitable for the trade sold to steady demand with rates ranging from 480 to 560c/kg.
A similar pattern was evident for feeder heifers with prices firm to 5c easier. Medium weights regained last week’s losses due to extra orders in the sale . Rates spiked 30c selling from 514 to 568c/kg. Feeder steers were well supplied, and prices started considerably lower before recovering midway through the sale. The main lines of feeder steers medium weight sold at 500-645c/kg.
Heavy steers and bullocks were well supplied and based on quality and age rates dipped up to 30c/kg. Heavy steers and bullocks sold from 405-486c/kg. Heavy feeder steers were keenly sought by several feedlots with vendors the big winners. Young heavy steers 500 to 600kg made from 500 to 562c/kg.
The cow market held its nerve increasing rates fir heavy cows by 2c , the bulk making from 344 to 378c/kg. Leaner types were few selling at 300-365c/kg. Store cows ignited the bidding selling from 310 to 435c/kg.
Market reporter: Leann Dax
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