Yarding 2980 Change 90
Numbers were similar and quality was fair to very good.
There was an excellent selection of trade cattle which were keenly sought by a major domestic processor. Secondary cattle were well supplied while heavy cattle were limited.
Not all the regular export buyers were in attendance. The usual contingent of domestic and feedlot buyers was operating along with some restocker competition.
In the trade market steers suitable for the trade gained 10-15c to average 394c with a single pen of European steers recording a top price of 430c/kg. Trade heifers sold to significantly stronger competition benefited by robust demand from lot feeders. The stronger competition meant prices bounced 10c making from 330-393c/kg.
There was a notable softening for feeder steers 400-500kg with prices easing back 5c to 8c to average 395c/kg. Feeder heifers regained last weeks losses jumping 15c to average 383c/kg for the medium weights.
Not all processors operated in the export run. Heavy steer and bullock prices slipped back up to 10c making from 320c to 385c/kg . Heavy heifers were well supplied, and a major domestic processor keenly contested the younger portion. The bulk selling from 340c to 386c/kg.
In the cow market not, all processors operated . Heavy well finished cows sold to slightly weaker trends making from 282c to 310c/kg. The bulk of the leaner sold from 260-293c/kg. Store cows were limited making from 285c to 310c/kg.
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