
Wagga sale 20 Jan 2020: Market rallies after rain

Leann Dax 21/01/2020

Yarding 4100 Change -20

THE market at Wagga posted a significant rally after rain in the north in a yarding of 4120.

The highlight on Monday was improved demand from exporters for the better pens of heavy cows.

The 0. Prices bounded by 30-48c/kg across all categories. Heavy cows making from 228-260c for the better finished lines. Middle run of leaner types sold at 209-238c/kg.

Heavy steers and bullock rates responded to the seasonal shortage gaining 8c making from 255-300c/kg.

There was also a lift recorded for trade cattle across vealer and some yearling categories. The National Livestock Reporting service reported B muscled European calves sold on average 20c dearer. Well finished vealers sold from 250-290c/kg.

The market sold to strong demand on plainer young yearling cattle and off types with major feedlots operating. For example, with all feedlots buying steers 400-500kg prices lifted 17c, the bulk making from 265-324c averaging 298c/kg. Light weight heifers 330-400kg were keenly sought and prices were up to 20c dearer with rates climbing as the sale progressed. Well-bred heifers sold from 250-297c/kg.

Yearling trade steers sold to weak demand from all domestic buyers who were unable to match price against the stronger competition from feedlots. Trade steers sold from 260-300c/kg. Bidding for yearling heifers stepped up another notch with a run of 400-500kg averaging 12c/kg dearer topping at 288c giving vendors an average of $1245.

After some rain across the supple area light weight steers 200-300kg were few. The limited few sold from 276-317c/kg. Restockers were forced to buy in heavier weight range paying from 280-305c to average $1028 per head.

To view full NLRS sale report click here





















































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