
Wagga sale 2 Dec 2019: Modest rally after recent falls

Leann Dax 03/12/2019

Yarding 5680 Change -980

The market at Wagga posted a modest rally after a few weeks of cheaper trends in a yarding of 5860 cattle.

The highlight on Monday was improved demand from exporters for the best pens of heavy grown steers and bullocks. Helping push prices along was a major processor from Queensland. Heavy steers and bullock sold up to 12c dearer making from 250-305c for the better finished lines.

There was also a lift recorded for trade cattle across vealer and yearling categories. The National Livestock Reporting service reported B muscled European calves sold on average 11c dearer. Well finished vealers sold from 272-305c/kg. British bred calves sold from 258-270c/kg.

The market sold to strong demand on plainer young yearling cattle and off types with all feedlots operating. For example with all feedlots buying steers 400-500kg sold up to 10c dearer making from 265-317c averaging 296c/kg. Light weight steers back to the paddock gained 10c selling from 185c-268, while well-bred steers sold from 265-305c/kg.

Yearling trade steers sold to buoyant demand from all domestic buyers to gain 4c making from 283-300c/kg. Bidding for yearling heifers stepped up another notch with a run of 400-500kg averaging 4c/kg dearer toping at 283c giving vendors an average of $1208.

Despite an almost full field of buyers operating at the cow market prices slipped 14-20c/kg. Heavy cows topped at 242c to average 230c/kg. The middle run of  leaner types making from 180-214c/kg.

To view full NLRS sale report click here



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