Yarding 2925 Change -2875
At Wagga numbers more than halved for the last sale of 2019, with 2925 cattle yarded. Despite the reduced numbers rates went south over most categories.
Changes to feeder cattle prices in the past few weeks show how the market is still struggling to find a balance between supply and demand. There were fewer orders this week and prices dipped 10c for medium steer weights 400-500kg to make from 238-307c/kg. Lighter weights saw prices fluctuate to average 284c making from 249-308c/kg. In the heifer run prices for light weights dipped 8c selling from 240-280c/kg.
The yearling trade market tracked cheaper for steers and dearer for the heifer portion. The better finished steers making from 255c-297c/kg. Competition for trade heifers improved 5c due to steady demand from feedlot buyers for well covered types. The main line of heifers sold at 245-276c/kg.
Although a shortage of heavy steers at major selling centres the market took a tumble, with prices slipping back 10-12c/kg. The cheaper trend was obvious at the commencement, with abattoirs fully booked prior to the Christmas holiday break. The bulk of the steers sold from 265-282c/kg.
On the back of last week’s cheaper cow market numbers fell back to 400 head. Well finished cows eased 4c making from 196c-214c/kg.. A run of leaner cows sold at 178-205c, while plainer types travelling back to the paddock made from 100-215c/kg
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