
Wagga sale 6 Jan 2020: New year opens with bigger yarding

Leann Dax 07/01/2020

Yarding 3640 Change 715

The first prime sale of year at Wagga produced a bigger offering of just over 3400 cattle. The market opened up to softer price trends with some processors yet to commence buying at physical markets.

Despite the seasonal shortage of top quality domestic slaughter cattle in NSW the market struggled to find a base, with prices easing 3-4c/kg.

The weaker trend was evident overall trade yearling categories where the best heavy trade steers 400-500kg selling 4c cheaper to reach a top price of 288c, while the limited mixed quality supply of secondary steers suitable to feed on 400-500kg sold from 250c to 305c/kg. Lighter weight feed steers hit a hurdle dipping 20c to average 264c/kg.

Trade heifers experienced fluctuating demands overall classes with domestic processors having to outbid local feedlot competition across some lines of grass finished heifers.  Generally heifer prices were 3c cheaper making from 235-282c/kg.  Plainer quality heifers suitable for feed lots sold from 222-277c/kg.

Vealers made up a fair percentage of the trade run and sold to erratic bidding, particularly the lighter portion.  The best price recorded was 278c, while most other sales ranged from 222c-255c, with a lot of calves making around the 250c/kg mark. Vealers lacking finish or British bred sold to feedlots, selling from 225c-255c/kg.

Export cattle sold to fluctuating price trends influenced by limited competition. Heavy steers 500-600kg sold from 240-285c with a single pen topping at 288c/kg.

It was a smaller group of buyers at the rail in the cow market. Both heavy and the better covered lean cows sold 5-15c cheaper. Heavy cows made from 185-216 c to average 206c/kg. Leaner grades sold at 155-204c/kg.

To view full NLRS sale report click here



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