Yarding 4120 Change 480
Cattle number increased as producers move to off load secondary stock due to the dry conditions and lack of water. The increased numbers and mixed quality did cause some price variations throughout the sale.
The small field of export buyers and weaker domestic competition generally put a halt to the dearer rates of last week, for heavy grown steers 500-600kg. Prices eased 8c to sell at 250-280c/kg. Heavy bullocks were few making from 250-270c/kg.
Vealer quality slipped to the previous sale, with higher temperatures taking a toll on some pen lots. The highest price recorded was 265c/kg.
Prices for trade heifers did fluctuate from firm to a few cents cheaper. Trade heifers 400-500kg made 245c-275c/kg.
Yearling steers were well supplied and, stronger feedlot demand saw most steers sold to feed-on. The few steers which sold to the trade made from 240c-295c/kg.
The shortage of top quality feeder steers at selling centres gave the market momentum this week, with prices jumping 5-11c/kg. The trend was evident over all weight classes, with steers regularly selling from 230-310c/kg.
It was the same story for feeder heifer market with more feedlot orders in place and stronger local restocker competition. Rates were up to 7c dearer with the bulk of the heifers selling from 220-280c/kg.
In the cow market numbers increased to 1100 and most weights and grades were represented. Gains of 5c were recorded as the market reacted to some rain further north. Heavy cows sold from 185-218c/kg. Leaner grades were keenly sought making from 155-204c/kg. There was increased restocker demand on younger light weight store conditioned types making from 130-192c/kg.
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