In a similar sized yarding of 3,260, prime finished cattle rates eased with bidding from buyers at lower levels across export and domestic categories.
Vealers were not affected with the average price 248c/kg. European vealers and British bred sold from 210-298c/kg.
There was a noticeable drop in rates of 8c for trade steers while the heifer portion eased 2c/kg. Heifers suitable for the trade made 245c to 283c/kg, while trade steers sold to weaker competition with only select butcher orders prepared to push the market. The better finished trade steers sold at 275-292c/kg.
There was a significant price correction for heavy steers 500-600kg despite the limited supply. Not all processors made a start owing to the supply shortage. /kg Heavy steers slipped 11c to averaged 287c/kg. There were insufficient numbers of bullocks to quote the limited few made from 255-295c/kg.
Dry weather has slowed store buyer demand with only local restockers prepared at times to make purchases. A new local buyer pushed the market 24-50c/kg higher for well-bred lines weighing 200-280kg.. The bulk of the weaner steers sold from 194-289c/kg. Splitter calves below 200kg rallied 55c to record a top price of 300c/kg.
Feeder steers were well supplied and the biggest run of 271 head averaged $1297 or 289c/kg. Feeder heifers were in reasonable supply and prices were 10c dearer selling at 240-281c/kg
Cow numbers declined to just over 680 and quality was mixed over most weights and grades. Strong demand from southern and northern processors pushed rates 6-8c higher . Well finished cows made from 215-252c/kg. Leaner grades made from 155-238c/kg.