
Wagga sale 24 April 2023: Dual trends in larger yarding

Leann Dax 24/04/2023

Yarding 3545 Change +345

 The market showed to distinct price trends, with young cattle to restockers cheaper but export steers to processors dearer.

Some of the price falls were moderate. For example bullocks 600kg slipped 20c to average 355c/kg. Looking at the big picture the flush of  bullock numbers in the south has allowed southern meat processors to move away from rates of recent weeks. Heavy steers 500-600kg attracted strong bidding, with feedlots buying the bulk of this category. Heavy steers gained 15c making from 320-378c/kg. Feed steers 500-600kg jumped 17c selling at 340-394c/kg.

Rates for top trade weight slaughter steers was cheaper, with domestic processors reluctant to push much beyond 390c/kg for grass finished and supplementary fed yearlings. The better finished steers made from 340-395c/kg.

Trade heifers were again in limited numbers, with  feedlots and major processor cementing a floor in rates. The main run of medium weight heifers sold 15c cheaper topping at 340c/kg

Feeder steers sold to a small group of buyers and demand was weaker, with not the amount of orders in place. Medium weight steers made from 320-411c/kg.

In contrast feeder heifer prices lifted with a northern feedlot pushing rates up by 7c/kg. Feed heifers 400-500kg sold at 340-367c/kg.

Steers returning to the paddock sold to weaker local competition. Well-bred steers sold 10c cheaper making from 395-495c/kg

Heavy cow rates were 15c easier fetching 277-313c, with a few European cows making from 295-318 c/kg. Leaner types were in shorter supply selling at 230-277c/kg

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