
Wagga sale 24 Mar 2020: Market eases 10-30c in bigger yarding

Leann Dax 24/03/2020

Yarding 5330 Change 500

Cattle prices reflected the wide variation in the condition of stock and buyer participation being sold at Wagga this week.

Rates ranged from cheaper 10c to 30c cheaper in a bigger offering of 5330 cattle.

The reduced field of buyers and weaker export competition generally put a halt to the dearer rates of last week. Reduced working days at some abattoirs took the edge of prices.  Prices for both heavy steers and bullocks were generally 18c-30c cheaper fetching from 302-330c/kg

Vealer quality was mixed as the pressure of ongoing dry weather and colder conditions showed across some pen lots.  The highest price recorded was 412c for a single steer, with most pens selling from 388-410c/kg.

Store prices dipped 10-23c for the better quality light weight steers with bidding from restockers at lower levels. The growing uncertainty between rain and world affairs slowed store buyer demand over all classes. Well-bred steers to turnout made from 300-500c/kg.

There was also some noticeable price spikes recorded for medium weight trade heifers. Prices generally lifted 21c, the main lines selling from 356-414c/kg.

Yearling steers were well supplied; despite weaker feedlot demand all steers suitable for the trade sold at dearer rates of 11c/kg. The better shaped steers and, with some pen lots grain fed made from 370c-411c/kg.

The increased supply of yearling feeder steers and less buyer activity contributed to a cheaper trend of 10-20c/kg.  Steers 330-400kg sold from 365-428c/kg.

It was a similar story for the feeder heifer market with fewer feedlots operating. The increased supply of well-bred Angus heifers underpinned the market with the bulk of the feeder heifers easing 6c selling from 306-398c/kg.

In the cow market numbers surged to 1400 and all weights and grades were represented.

Heavy cows sold 7c cheaper making from 279-298c/kg. Leaner grades sold to erratic bidding at times making from 237-282c/kg. There was some restocker demand on light weight store conditioned lines fetching 264-272c/kg.

To view full NLRS sale report click here




















































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