
Wagga sale 6 Apr 2020: Numbers drop with rain, Easter break

Leann Dax 07/04/2020

Yarding 32235 Change -1345

Cattle markets in the past week have been somewhat erratic and Wagga experienced the same fluctuating price trends, depending on quality and competition. Agents yarded just over 2200 cattle with numbers dropping significantly due in part to rain and the forthcoming Easter holiday break.

The quality of the yarding was mixed, with producers offloading lighter weight stock in varying condition on the back of cheaper trends last week. The yarding did comprise of some very yearlings supplementary fed yearlings from Hay. lines of well-bred steers are still commanded over 390c despite the cheaper trend of 5-10c/kg. Medium weight steers 400-500kg made from 370c-402c/kg. Lighter weight steers 330-400kg sold to competition making from 370-420c/kg.

Feeder heifers 330-400kg were limited and prices slipped 5-7c making from 345-377c/kg.

Bidding for trade heifers was limited with Cole’s supermarket keeping a floor in rates. Prices dipped 5-10c with the medium weights selling at 350-370c, while lighter weight supplementary fed heifers topped at 412c/kg.

Weaker demand from major processors meant softer trends for export cattle, with heavy grown steer’s 10c cheaper making from 320-350c/kg. There was only 1 pen of aged bullocks selling at 312c/kg.

The cow market sold to strong southern competition lifting prices across the board 10c/kg. Heavy cows sold from 285-299c/kg. The better covered leaner grades sold to erratic demand at times making from 250-285c/kg. Store types and heifers were keenly sought by restockers and the bulk of the plainer types sold from 255-305c/kg.

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