
Wagga sale 20 Apr 2020: Feeder steers lose ground

Leann Dax 21/04/2020

Yarding 2375 Change 140

The Wagga market has started to track in different directions in a bigger yarding of 2375.

The sale generally lost ground over some feeder categories on the back of last week’s softer market.

The standout of the cheaper trends was secondary steers in all weight categories.

Feeder steers shed 25c, making from 330-380c with odd sales to 397c/kg.

Feeder heifers held their own with competition solid throughout the sale to hold firm. The bulk ranging from 325-370c/kg.

Light weight steers 200-280kg sold to dearer trends making from 400-502ckg. The heifer portion struggled to find solid support selling at 360-410c/kg.

Trade steers were few and buyers were eager to purchase what was on offer. Steers  400-500kg ranged from 362-396c/kg.

Trade heifers were in reasonable numbers and came under pressure from feedlot compertition resulting in a firm market. The main run of trade heifers sold from 330c to 380c/kg.

Despite a seasonal shortage of heavy steers and bullock’s competition was subdued dropping 15c for the steers 500 to 600kg. Bullocks were also hit by the lack of demand easing back a few cents ranging in price from 304-315c/kg.

The cow market was supported by strong southern competition which meant prices were mostly unchanged. Heavy cows sold from 285-303c/kg. The middle run of leaner types sold at 240-280c/kg.

To view full NLRS sale report click here



















































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