At wagga numbers were moderately higher with 3,830 cattle penned. The cattle market continued to fluctuate depending on who was bidding, with prices softening over most categories.
A shortage of export cattle gave the market some stability this week, with prices for heavy steer’s 500-600kg, 2c cheaper to average 312c/kg. Bullocks were in short supply and export buyers were quite subdued causing a price correction of 8c/kg. The better runs of bullocks consistently made from 270c-314c/kg.
A feature of the heavy export market was the heifer portion where an exceptional pen of Angus heifers weighing approximately 530kg made 324c/kg. Most of the better shaped heifers lost traction selling 11c cheaper fetching 268c to 320c/kg.
The trade market experienced a price correction of 22c/kg for trade steers due impart to weaker demand from feedlots. Medium weight steers suitable for the trade made from 310c-335c/kg. Once again there was steady domestic processor demand for heifers which kept price steady. The bulk of the medium weight heifers made from 275-338c to average 311c/kg.
Another market to experience a price correction was for well-bred feeder cattle where prices dipped 11c/kg. The bulk of the yearling offering sold to feedlots, with demand fluctuating as the sale progressed. Medium weight feeder’s steers topped at 368c to average 334c/kg. In contrast lighter weight feeder heifers were a hot ticket item selling 5c dearer, making from 290c-350c/kg.
There was an increase in lighter weight store conditioned weaners, which sold to steady restocker bidding. There were some flat spots in the market dependent on breed. Well-bred steers 200-280kg consistently made from 293c-419c/kg. Light weight heifers with plenty of frame were keenly contested topping at 391c to average 355c/kg
The cow market opened on a stronger note with price 4c/kg higher. Well finished cows made from 230c-255c/kg. Southern export processors battled it out for leaner categories due to northern processors not operating. The main run of leaner cows selling at 212-250c/kg.