
Wagga 28 Nov 2016: Bigger numbers impact prices

Leann Dax 29/11/2016

Wagga Wagga cattle numbers increased by 650 to 4,050 and the bigger numbers did impact the market over some categories.

With summer looming weaner store prices weakened. The market lacked the store orders of the previous sale causing a price correction of 17-30c/kg.

The higher prices offered last week, caused increased supplies of plainer conditioned weaners to enter the market. The plainer selection did effect competition but provided some producers with more choice and at cheaper entry level. Steers returning to the paddock fetched 315-420c to average 377c/kg. Heifers going back to the paddock were not immune to the cheaper trend, with a price variance for breed and weight. Generally rates slipped 7c to average 377c/kg.

Lighter weight steers suitable to feed on were unchanged. Well-bred young steers 330-400kg made from 333c-399c to average 358c/kg. The medium weight steers 400-500kg jumped 9c fetching 300c to 355c/kg.

Prices for lighter weight feeder heifers were unchanged given the restricted numbers suitable for feedlots. Medium weight heifers 400-500kg eased 9c to average 302c/kg. The better shaped feeder heifers topped at 347c to average 330c/kg.

Bidding for medium weight trade steers was erratic as domestic processors battled feedlots to acquire finished types. After some price spikes, medium weight steers topped at 358c to average 331c/kg. The heifer portion lacked competition causing prices to fall back 9c/kg. The better finished heifer lines made from 285c-320c/kg.

Vealer quality dropped away, as traditionally occurs this time and year which contributed to a rate drop of 25c for the better finished types. Vealers with finish reach a top price of 362c/kg.

The seasonal shortage of export cattle did little to help values, with prices declining 7-11c/kg. Heavy grown steers 500-600kg made from 255-311c/kg. Heavy bullocks also felt the brunt of the cheaper trend, with the younger bullocks holding their value best. Heavy bullocks topped at 310c to average 295/kg. Heavy heifer prices weakened with the better shaped pens selling from 275c-300c/kg.

The other noticeable discounting evident was for cows, with processors not willing to push rates. Prices generally softened 7-12c/kg. Heavy cows made from 230-246c while good clean lean cows sold from 190c-240c/kg


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