This week’s offering of just over 2,400 cattle at wagga declined by 200, quality was mixed at the lighter end however; there were good supplies of top quality domestic trade cattle.
Trade prices lifted as buyers were more committed on competing for a market share on all the better finished lines. Young cattle suitable for the trade generally experienced a 10-12c rise, although there were times where plainer conditioned stock struggled to attract buyers.
Prime finished steers commanded the better trade price and steers 400-500kg generally made from 302- 312c averaging 309c/kg. Medium weight trade heifers were in excellent conditioned, which contributed to a rise in demand from processors. The better finished lines sold from 276-293c to average 287c/kg.
Vealers were a highlight at the top end where a few pens made from 310-343c/kg. The better rates however were for select pens which suited domestic orders. Most veal ranged from 280- 320c/kg. Vealers that lacked finish sold to restockers and feed orders to average 315c/kg.
Fluctuating feedlot competition saw secondary steer prices unchanged to 6c/kg cheaper. Lighter weight feeder heifers were keenly sought with Angus heifers 330-400kg paid premium rates. Prices generally lifted 6-10c making from 262-310c/kg.
Prices were steady for heavy grown steers 500-600kg in a smaller offering than the previous sale. Most of the better finished younger steers made from 280c-298c/kg. Bullock quality was not the standard of the previous sale and prices dropped 10c to average 283c/kg.
Cow numbers continue to remain low with agents offering just over 350 head. Bidding faded at the top end and prices slipped 2-5c to average 242c/kg. Leaner types were mostly unchanged making from 205c-230c/kg.