DRY weather across large parts of eastern Australia continues to exert an influence on AuctionsPlus results, with steers and heavier heifers generally easing in value this week, despite a reduced offering.
Commercial cattle listings totalled 8053 head this week, back 10pc on the previous Friday, with a total clearance rate of 48pc.
Despite the reduction in numbers, some strong prices were still recorded, however.
Processors return to bidding ranks
PTIC female numbers were strong and heifer and cow numbers quite even. The correction in breeder prices has allowed processors to step back into this market, and while not securing any sales online this week, there was bidding activity evident on several lines of PTIC cows.
PTIC heifers this week averaged $1568 with the top line from Buln Buln, VIC making $2000. These Simmental/Friesian heifers were PTIC to Limousin bulls and are heading across the Bass Strait into Tasmania.
PTIC cows averaged $1574 this week, with the top line hailing from Deniliquin, NSW making $2255. These Angus cows were PTIC to Rennylea Angus bulls and are heading into the Northern Tablelands region.
From Orange, NSW, two standout lines of PTIC Angus cows 5-6 years made $1800.
From Blackall, QLD, mixed age Droughtmaster cross cows, with sappy 140kg Santa x calves at foot and joined back to Santa bulls, made an impressive $1740.
A line of six-year-old Angus cows with 200kg Black Simmental sired calves at foot and PTIC back to Simmental bulls from Robe, SA made an impressive $2700.
Thirty-month old first-calf Shorthorn cows and calves from Londrigan, VIC made an impressive $2100.
Heifers presented well this week with a standout line of 120 Charolais/Brahman 6-9 month old weaned heifers from Clermont, QLD making 335c/kg or $715.
Moving south, the Cobungra Station heifers were also listed this week, with the steers being sold the week before on AuctionsPlus. There weaned heifers sold extremely well with the top line of 9-10 month olds making 411c/kg or $750.
In a breakdown of young cattle sold this week, by weight range:
- Steers less than 250kg sold from 316c/kg to 396c/kg to av. 401c (down 49c); while heifers sold from 299-411c to av. 322c (up 42c)
- Steers 250-300kg sold from 348-375c to av. 362c (down 8c); while heifers sold from 317-462c to av. 372c (up 34c)
- Steers 300- 350kg sold from 332-356c to av. 344c (down 3c); while heifers sold from 274 – 459c to av. 335c (down 11c)
- Steers 350-400kg sold from 286-357c to av. 326c (up 9c); while heifers sold from 305-322c to av. 313c (down 17c).
NSW steer and heifer highlights:
9-10 month old Angus steers, 269kg, from Bowning, made 374c/$1005
10-11 month old Angus/Hereford steers, 296kg, from Bungowannah, made 368c/$1090
8-12 month old Angus steers, 365kg, from Coonabarabran, made 357c/kg $1305
11-12 month old Angus steers, 301kg, from Holbrook, made 356c/kg $1070
11-12 month old Angus heifers, 253kg, from Warren, made 462c/$1170
11-14 month old Angus heifers, 317kg, from Coolatai, made 459c/$1455
10 to 12 month old Angus heifers, 324kg, from Deepwater, made 386 $1250
QLD steer and heifer highlights:
6 to 16 month old Angus steers, 221kg, from Bungunya, made 396c/$875
8 to 12 month old Angus steers, 277kg, from Meandarra, made 375c/$1,040
8 to 12 month old Angus steers, 292kg, from Tara, made 357c/$1,040
7 to 8 month old Angus steers, 274kg, from Texas, made 352c/$965
6 to 9 month old Charolais/Brahman heifers, 213kg, from Clermont, made 335c/$715
8 to 12 month old Angus heifers, 288kg, from Tara, made 323c/$930
VIC steer and heifer highlights:
10-12 month old Angus steers, 345kg, from Earlston, made 348c/$1200
10-11 month old Angus steers, 334kg, from Walwa, made 347c/$1160
9-10 month old Angus heifers, 183kg, from Omeo, made from 376-411c//$700- $750
10 to 11 month old Angus heifers, 286kg, from Walwa, made 318c/$910
Editor’s note: Self-reporting is never an easy thing in a competitive cattle marketing environment where every marketing channel is looking to present itself in the best possible light.
In the case of AuctionsPlus’s weekly market commentary of its own sales, there is an understandable tendency to present results in the best possible light.
For this reason Beef Central commends AuctionsPlus’s recent decision to include clearance rates from sales – whether they be good, bad or indifferent. Depending on the market momentum at the time, it’s inevitable that clearances on AuctionsPlus may be lower than the saleyards channel, for one important reason – the cattle have not left their paddock.
People following cattle markets very quickly pick up when selective reporting of sales is applied, in examples of self-reporting. Poor sale outcomes, and cheaper prices are in many cases just as important to the reader as the highest price in each category. AuctionsPlus has taken an important step in acknowledging that in its market commentary.
Coming up on AuctionsPlus:
Around 400 Wagyu-influenced cattle ranging from Fullbloods to F1s are expected to be offered at the next dedicated Premium Wagyu Sale on AuctionsPlus from Noon on Friday, August 4.
This is a regular Wagyu and Wagyu content only sale conducted by RuralCo and supported by the Australian Wagyu Association. Listings must link directly to AWA’s registered animals that have Wagyu BreedPlan EBVs. Listings are invited, but close at Noon on Wednesday, August 2.
For more information contact your local RuralCo agent or sale coordinator Harvey Weyman-Jones of GDL on 0414 941 788.