Roma Saleyards market report – Tuesday, 4 February

The Mackenzie family, Balboa, Roma sold 31 Charolais and Santa Gertrudis cross steers to average 380c/kg weighing 389kg and returned $1478/hd. The line was consigned through MAA Livestock and Property. Seen here: Jack, Owen, Hannah and Tommy Mackenzie.
Yarding: 4,444 Change: -3469
It may have been a decreased yarding on last week’s numbers, but the prices remained firm and laneways bustling as just shy of 4500 head of cattle went to market at Roma Saleyards this week.
The penning was once again influenced by condition with several quality lines of steers and heavy bullocks on offer under the hammer.
Cattle were sourced from the Maranoa and western regions, including the following areas: McKinlay, Boulia, Tambo, Adavale, Thallon, Barcaldine, Winton and Wyandra.
Several consignments from southern counterparts were also included in this week’s yarding with cattle sold from Coober Pedy, South Australia and Tilpa, New South Wales.
The broad mix of cattle again highlighted Roma Saleyards as the marketplace of choice with active buyer interest and bidding throughout the sale.
Steers dominated the yarding with 2,093 head sold. Heifers followed suit at 1,519 and 780 cows offloaded.
The Mackenzie family, Balboa, Roma sold 31 Charolais and Santa Gertrudis cross steers to average 380c/kg weighing 389kg and returned $1478/hd.
A pen of 14 Charolais-Santa cross steers sold for 370c/kg to weigh 423kg and returned $1565/hd.
A further pen of 17 Charolais-Santa cross steers sold for 390c/kg weighing in at 361kg to return $1406/hd.
The commercial producers run a primarily fattening operation purchasing weaner steers and growing them out to later target the feeder market.
Crossing Charolais and Santa Gertrudis breeds, the Mackenzie’s said the flatback types suited their operation with optimal weight for age.
The line was consigned through MAA Livestock and Property.

Torres Park Grazing, Cherry Hills, Injune offloaded 88 Santa Gertrudis heavy steers to average 351c/kg weighing 523kg and returned $1833/hd. The line was consigned through PJH Livestock and Property seen here with livestock agent Steven Goodhew.
Torres Park Grazing, Cherry Hills, Injune offloaded 88 Santa Gertrudis heavy steers to average 351c/kg weighing 523kg and returned $1833/hd.
Two pens fetched 376c/kg with a further pen selling for 354c/kg.
A pen of 16 Santa Gertrudis bullocks sold for 331c/kg to weigh 611kg and returned $2022/hd.
A further pen of 14 Santa Gertrudis steers sold for 376c/kg weighing in at 440kg to return $1655/hd.
The commercial producers operate a breeding and fattening enterprise across their Queensland properties with their Augathella country utilised as a breeding block and cattle later fattened in Injune.
The line was consigned through PJH Livestock and Property seen here with livestock agent Steven Goodhew.

Ann Campbell, Prairie Vale, Augathella offloaded 146 Santa Gertrudis cross steers to average 392c/kg weighing 397kg and returned $1553/hd. The line was consigned through GDL Mitchell seen here with livestock agent Jason Belz.
Ann Campbell, Prairie Vale, Augathella offloaded 146 Santa Gertrudis cross steers to average 392c/kg weighing 397kg and returned $1553/hd.
Two pens fetched 406c/kg with a further pen reaching 390c/kg.
A pen of 31 Santa Gertrudis cross steers sold for 406c/kg to weigh 350kg and returned $1422/hd.
A pen further of 22 Santa cross steers fetched 381c/kg to weigh 473kg and returned $1804/hd.
The line was offloaded based on seasonal timing.
The line was consigned through GDL Mitchell seen here with livestock agent Jason Belz.
Cows in the 330-to-400-kilogram range reached 220c/kg and averaged 200c/kg.
Cows in the 400-to-500-kilogram range topped at 310c/kg, averaging 246c/kg, whereas cows in the 500-to-600-kilogram range topped at 290c/kg, averaging 265c/kg.
Cows over 600 kilograms topped at 285c/kg, averaging 273c/kg.
Bassett Cattle Co, Jenavale, Roma sold Angus cross cows to 280c/kg, reaching a top of $1922 to average $1829.
The line was consigned through Watkins and Company.
NLRS Commentary:
A large reduction in numbers from the two previous sales Roma Agents yarded 4,444 head. All the regular processors feedlotters and backgrounders present and active with the market slightly stronger however cows could not maintain the levels of last sale with more light conditioned cows penned.
Light weight yearling steers under 200kg topped 440c/kg. Yearling steers 200 to 280kg sold from 300c to 468c/kg. Yearling steers 280 to 330kg made to 436c/kg. Yearling steers 330 to 400kg also improved and sold to 424c/kg. Yearling steers 400 to 480kg to feed made from 330c to 381c and 390c/kg to restockers.
Yearling heifers 200 to 280kg sold to 314c/kg to restockers. Yearling heifers 280 to 330kg sold from 200c to 348c/kg for the better pens. Yearling heifers 330 to 400kg with the majority selling from 280c to 340c/kg. Yearling heifers 400 to 480kg lost ground on the previous sale and sold to 320c/kg.
Grown steers 400 to 500kg topped 388c/kg. Grown steers over 600kg selling from 291c to a top of 339c/kg. Grown heifers over 540kg topping 310c/kg to processors. A large portion of score 2 cows sold from 200c to 275c/kg. The 3 score cows over 520kg sold from 234c to 285c/kg. Bulls over 600kg made to 298c and bulls 450 to 600kg sold from 268c to 328c and young bulls under 450kg topped 384c/kg to restockers.
Market Reporter: David Friend
To view full NLRS report on click here
Weekly Roma Store Press Report
A total of 4,444 head of cattle were consigned at Roma’s Store Sale on Tuesday.
Weaner steers under 200kg topped at 440c/kg and averaged 414c/kg, weaner steers in the 200-280kg range reached 468c/kg and averaged 405c/kg. Steers in the 280-330kg range reached 440c/kg and averaged 397c/kg, and steers in the 330-400kg range reached 418c/kg and averaged 386c/kg. Feeder steers in the 400-500kg range topped at 388c/kg and averaged 365c/kg.
RA Patterson, Ingle Downs, Roma sold Angus cross steers to 468c/kg, reaching a top of $1,513 to average $1,013. The Angus cross heifers sold to 310c/kg, reaching a top $682 to average $682.
SD & MJ Russell, Willara, Augathella sold Charolais cross steers to 440c/kg, reaching a top of $1,564 to average $1,340. The Charolais cross heifers sold to 320c/kg, reaching a top of $1,198 to average $976.
Budda Station, Budda Station, Tilpa sold Santa Gertrudis cross steers to 434c/kg, reaching a top of $1,564 to average $1,361.
Campbell Pastoral Holdings, Currawarra, Mitchell sold Santa Gertrudis steers to 416c/kg, reaching a top of $2,016 to average $1,234. The Santa Gertrudis heifers sold to 308c/kg, reaching a top of $1,314 to average $963.
KJ Bredhauer, Macks Creek, Wyandra sold Charbray steers to 410c/kg, reaching a top of $1,620 to average $1,152. The Santa Gertrudis heifers sold to 302c/kg, reaching a top of $967 to average $831.
Hornick Rural, Junedale, Injune sold Charolais cross steers to 410c/kg, reaching a top of $1,486 to average $1,486.
PA Campbell, Prairie Vale, Augathella sold Santa Gertrudis cross steers to 406c/kg, reaching a top of $2,011 to average $1,552.
AF, GR & LA Seawright, Wyoming, Jackson sold Angus steers to 400c/kg, reaching a top of $1,425 to average $1,164. The Droughtmaster cross heifers sold to 306c/kg reaching a top of $829 to average $827.
Scott Armstrong, Old Cashmere, St George sold Angus steers to 396c/kg, reaching a top of $1,503 to average $1,275.
MJ, NJ & RW Boland, Arcoona, Mitchell sold Brahman cross steers to 388c/kg, reaching a top of $1,709 to average $1,386.
JS & EM Campbell, Claravale, Mitchell sold Belmont Red steers to 386c/kg, reaching a top of $1,205 to average $1,150. The Belmont Red heifers sold to 280c/kg, reaching a top of $1,450 to average $1,022.
Torres Park Grazing, Cherry Hills, Injune sold Santa Gertrudis steers to 376c/kg, reaching a top of $2,022 to average $1,833.
T & H Grazing, South Brae, Wallumbilla sold Charolais steers to 376c/kg, reaching a top of $1,596 to average $1,515.
BS Conroy, Penrose, Roma sold Santa Gertrudis cross steers to 368c/kg, reaching a top of $1,448 to average $1,448.
Richard J Morrison Pty Ltd, Roma sold Speckle Park cross steers to 364c/kg, reaching a top of $1,311 to average $1,311.
Neverfail Cattle Co Pty Ltd, Blackall sold Droughtmaster cross steers to 338c/kg, reaching a top of $2,208 to average $1,975.
Heifers under 200kg topped at 270c/kg and averaged 251c/kg, while heifers in the 200-280kg range topped at 310c/kg and averaged 281c/kg. Heifers in the 280-330kg range topped at 348c/kg, averaging 297c/kg. Heifers in the 330-400kg range topped at 340c/kg, averaging 299c/kg. Heifers in the 400-500kg range topped at 340c/kg, averaging 302c/kg.
JS Watson, Highview, Mitchell sold Charolais cross heifers to 348c/kg, reaching a top of $1,138 to average $1,061.
JS Grazing, Injune sold Angus heifers to 340c/kg, reaching a top of $1,474 to average $1,445.
Wood Livestock Holdings, Denman Station, Goodooga sold Santa Gertrudis cross heifers to 336c/kg, reaching a top of $1,144 to average $1,028.
Sally Lee, Nangarie, Roma sold Angus heifers to 328c/kg, reaching a top of $966 to average $966.
AJ & MH Seaby, Clarice Vale, Roma sold Angus cross heifers to 310c/kg, reaching a top of $1,078 to average $924.
Underwood Farming Pty Ltd, Binnie Anna, Surat sold Santa Gertrudis cross heifers to 310c/kg, reaching a top of $1,065 to average $940.
PD & SE Joliffe, Roma sold Santa Gertrudis heifers to 298c/kg, reaching a top of $1,526 to average $1,526.
Cows in the 330-400kg range reached 220c/kg and averaged 200c/kg. Cows in the 400-500kg range topped at 310c/kg, averaging 246c/kg. Cows in the 500-600kg range topped at 290c/kg, averaging 265c/kg. Cows over 600kg topped at 285c/kg, averaging 273c/kg.
Kindee Pastoral Co, Muya, Mitchell sold Santa Gertrudis cross cows to 290c/kg, reaching a top of $1,990 to average $1,875.
Bassett Cattle Co, Jenavale, Roma sold Angus cross cows to 280c/kg, reaching a top of $1,922 to average $1,829.
Glenrowan Grazing Co, Glenrowan, Morven sold Braford cows to 276c/kg, reaching a top of $1,639 to average $1,592.
Len Joliffe, Walhallow, Roma sold Santa Gertrudis cows to 274c/kg, reaching a top of $1,655 to average $1,655.
Sources: Roma Saleyards/Maranoa Regional Council, NLRS
Just wondering on price