Yarding 4906 Change -2146
Numbers fell by 2,145 head to see a total yarding of 4,906 at the Roma Store sale with storms looming in the local area.
Heifers and cows accounted for over half of the yarding and the overall quality of the yarding was mixed with numbers from Western and North-West Queensland again yarded.
A good buying panel was present and operating, including all regular processors. The market remained strong with buyers competing on quality cattle and seeking frame over condition.
Light weight steers under 280kg reached the $7 mark and improved by 32c to 42c/kg. Medium weight steers were yarded in reduced numbers and fell by 38c to 75c/kg, reflective of quality. Heavy weight steers to feed improved by 33c/kg.
Light weight heifers to restockers fell by 28c to 62c, while medium weight heifers to restockers improved by 16c to 18c/kg. Limited numbers of quality prime heavy weight cows were yarded, which saw prices ease by 7c to 9c/kg.
Light weight yearling steers under 200kg sold to a top of 684.2c to average 621c/kg. Light weight yearling steers under 280kg to restockers were the largest sample of steers for the day and made to 706.2c to average 659c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers under 330kg to restockers sold to 650.2c to average 583c/kg. Yearling steers under 400kg to feed made to a top of 580.2c to average 540c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers over 400kg to feed reached a top of 550.2c to average 480c/kg.
Light weight yearling heifers under 200kg to restockers reached a top of 670.2c to average 507c/kg. Yearling heifers under 280kg to restockers made to 658.2c to average 545c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers under 330kg to restockers sold to 578.2c to average 522c/kg. Yearling heifers under 400kg to restockers reached a top of 506.2c to average 498c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers over 400kg to restockers made to a top of 482.2c to average 482c/kg.
The best of the grown steers made to 478.2c to average 428c/kg.
Grown heifers to processors sold to a top of 378.2c to average 373c/kg.
PTIC grown heifers sold at open auction with the best of the red tags reaching $2250/head, while the best of the open auction PTIC cows made $1650/head.
Heavy weight 3 score cows reached a top of 369.2c to average 361c/kg. Heavy weight 4 score prime cows made to a top of 377.2c to average 372c/kg. The best of the heavy weight bulls reached a top of 374.2c to average 358c/kg. Cows and calves made to a top of $2140/unit.
Market reporter: Sherrill Stivano
Full NLRS report click here
Weekly Roma Store report
Weaner steers under 220kg topped at 706c/kg and averaged 653c/kg, weaner steers in the 220-280kg range reached 704c/kg and averaged 644c/kg. Steers in the 280- 350kg range reached 650c/kg and averaged 566c/kg, and steers in the 350-400kg range reached 556c/kg and averaged 470c/kg. Feeder steers in the 400-550kg range topping at 550c/kg and averaging 463c/kg. Cows and calves hit $2,140/unit.
Layershire Pty Ltd, Koorandai, Roma sold Angus cross steers to 706c/kg, reaching a top of $1,761 to average $1,465. The Angus cross heifers sold to 670c/kg, reaching a top of $1,718 to average $1,377.
CJ & DL Wearing, Yingerbay, Roma sold Santa cross steers to 706c/kg, reaching a top of $1,534 to average $1,534. The Santa cross heifers sold to 654c/kg, reaching a top of $1,348 to average $1,296.
Lucas Pastoral Co, Cliffdale, Wyandra sold Santa cross steers to 704c/kg, reaching a top of $1,944 to average $1,736. The Santa heifers sold to 646c/kg, reaching a top of $1,742 to average $1,363.
GB & MS Freshwater, Overflow, Mitchell sold Droughtmaster cross steers to 698c/kg, reaching a top of $1,746 to average $1,610.
S & R White Family Trust, Tarrebar, Roma sold Angus cross steers to 694c/kg, reaching a top of $2,291 to average $1,724.
Malabar Holdings, Arlington, Mitchell sold Charolais steers to 688c/kg, reaching a top of $1,437 to average $1,437. The Charolais cross heifers sold to 658c/kg, reaching a top of $1,347 to average $1,347.
Brett & Sandy Southern, Gladfield, Mitchell sold Santa cross steers to 684c/kg, reaching a top of $1,723 to average $1,547.
Rockton Grazing Discretionary Trust sold Charolais cross steers to 668c/kg, reaching a top of $1,647 to average $1,647. The Charolais cross heifers sold to 634c/kg, reaching a top of $1,527 to average $1,459.
CA & RL Beissel, Pinetree, Roma sold Droughtmaster steers to 666c/kg, reaching a top of $1,508 to average $1,508.
KJ & SL Boyd, Kia-Ora, Injune sold Charbray cross steers to 660c/kg, reaching a top of $1,859 to average $1,727.
GW & GI Emery, Wyena, Wallumbilla sold Hereford cross steers to 620c/kg, reaching a top of $1,828 to average $1,823.
D Burey, Torwood, Mungallala sold Santa cross steers to 604c/kg, reaching a top of $1,818 to average $1,781. The Santa heifers sold to 530c/kg, reaching a top of $1,507 to average $1,505.
Clifford P Duff, Ittledoo, Injune sold Charolais cross steers to 600c/kg, reaching a top of $1,693 to average $1,693.
Sowru Pty Ltd, Annandale, Wallumbilla sold Droughtmaster cross steers to 592c/kg, reaching a top of $1,927 to average $1,813.
Barry Duff & TA McCagh, Two Rises, Wallumbilla sold Angus steers to 550c/kg, reaching a top of $2,455 to average $2,379.
CA & MM Finch, South Trafford, Wallumbilla sold Santa cross steers to 504c/kg, reaching a top of $2,291 to average $2,202.
RH & RJ West, Roleen, Wallumbilla sold Blonde D Aquitaine cross steers to 502c/kg, reaching a top of $2,468 to average $2,340.
P & HA Sanderson, Mundalya, Yuleba sold Santa cross steers to 446c/kg, reaching a top of $2,192 to average $2,047.
Noel N Dickson, The Lakes, Aramac sold Braford steers to 428c/kg, reaching a top of $2,188 to average $1,947.
AR Roberts, Tantatton, Wallumbilla sold Blonde D Aquitaine cross steers to 426c/kg, reaching a top of $2,777 to average $2,582.
Heifers under 220kg topped at 670c/kg and averaged 500c/kg, while heifers in the 220-280kg range topped at 646c/kg and averaged 512c/kg. Heifers in the 280-350kg range topped at 582c/kg, averaging 496c/kg. Heifers in the 350-450kg range topped at 536c/kg, averaging 453c/kg.
Bindango Pty Ltd, Bindango, Roma sold Charolais cross heifers to $2,250 to average $2,096.
Camelock Rural, Carella, Augathella sold Santa cross heifers to 658c/kg, reaching a top of $1,501 to average $1,444.
AF, GR & LA Seawright, Wyoming, Jackson sold Hereford cross heifers to 642c/kg, reaching a top of $1,494 to average $1,386.
Paraway Rocklands Station, LM Rocky, Rockhampton sold Angus cross heifers to 554c/kg, reaching a top of $1,825 to average $1,631.
AJM Pastoral Co, Yerrel, Cunnamulla sold Composite heifers to 542c/kg, reaching a top of $1,960 to average $1,380.
West Farming P/L, Loomeah, Roma sold Angus cross heifers to 500c/kg, reaching a top of $1,979 to average $1,979.
Cows in the 300-400kg range reached 370c/kg and averaged 232c/kg, while cows in the 400kg-500kg range reached 370c/kg and averaged 322c/kg. Cows over 500kg topped at 377c/kg, averaging 358c/kg.
Glenrowan Grazing Co, Glenrowan, Morven sold Braford cows to 372c/kg, reaching a top of $2,396 to average $2,079.
Source: NLRS, Roma Saleyards