
Roma Store 16 Jun 2015: WQ cattle influx increases yarding

Martin Bunyard 17/06/2015

Weekly Roma Store Sale NLRS sale commentary:

Yarding 7596 Change 914

Numbers increased slightly, with more drought affected cattle penned from across western Queensland. However, the yarding also contained very good quality local and western light and medium weight steers and heifers.

Light weight yearling steers lifted 14c to 26c, while lighter weight yearling heifers jumped 14c to 27c/kg. A full panel of export processors were active on 3 and 4 score cows. Cows and calves sold to $970/unit. A good sample of calves were penned and sold to 296c for steers and 270c of heifers. Light weight yearling steers topped at 296c and averaged between 273c and 278c/kg. Plainer sorts sold to 210c and averaged 184c/kg.

Medium weight yearling steers to feed hit 270c and averaged 256c, up 17c, while those to restocker buyers sold to 279c and averaged 271c, up 26c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed reached 266c and averaged 248c, down 4c/kg.

Light weight yearling heifers to feedlot buyers made to 260c and averaged 234c, while those to processors topped at 212c and averaged 188c/kg. Those returning to the paddock earned to 272c and averaged 234c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed made to 246c and averaged 217c, up 27c/kg.

Those to processors sold to 225c and averaged 206c, down 4c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers sold to 210c/kg. Grown steers to feed mostly sold between 200c and 239c/kg. Grown heifers to processors made to 215c/kg. Light weight 2 score cows reached 160c and averaged 148c, while medium weight 3 score cows earned to 190c and averaged 176c, up 3c/kg. Heavy weight 4 score cows made to 210c and averaged 202c, up 7c/kg.

To read full updated NLRS sale reports from around Australia in Beef Central’s markets section click here

Weekly Roma Store Sale press report:

Roma steers hit 296c/kg

A total of 7596 head of cattle were penned at Roma’s Store Sale. Weaners under 220kg topped at 292c/kg and averaged 261c/kg, while weaner steers in the 220-280kg range reached 292c/kg and averaged 260c/kg. Steers in the 280-350kg range reached 296c/kg and averaged 263c/kg, and steers in the 350-400kg range reached 279c/kg and averaged 232c/kg. Feeder steers in the 400-550kg range topping at 277c/kg and averaging 232c/kg.

The White family, Tarrebar, Roma, sold Charolais-cross steers to 296c/kg for 307kg to return $912/head.

BKM Pastoral, Dumfries, Muckadilla, sold Brangus-cross steers to 294c for 292kg to return $860.

G & G Burey, Springhill, Amby, sold Hereford steers to 292c for 314kg to return $919.

C & S Nason, Banoona, Roma, sold Angus-cross steers to 292c for 275kg to return $803.

Drew Wescott, Catumnal, Hughenden, sold Charolais-cross steers to 292c for 186kg to return $544. The Charolais-cross heifers sold to 270c for 188kg to return $507.

Gwenbrook Farms, Gwenbrook, Roma, sold Charolais-cross steers to 290c for 296kg to return $861. The Charolais-cross heifers sold to 268c for 278kg to return $746.

Golden Pastoral Holdings, Nullin, Yuleba, sold Charolais-cross steers to 288c for 253kg to return $730.

Brett & Sandy Southern, Neabul Downs, St George, sold Charolais-cross steers to 286c for 262kg to return $750.

D & N Chandler, Cobbadah, Injune, sold Droughtmaster-cross steers to 282c for 302kg to return $854.

Mooga Hills Grazing Co, Ok, Roma, sold Droughtmaster-cross steers to 278c for 279kg to return $776.

J & M Kerr, Giberoo Station, Quilpie, sold Charolais-cross steers to 276c for 333kg to return $922.

J & J Bell, Kinnoul, Taroom, sold Santa-cross steers to 276c for 300kg to return $830.

P & T Holdcroft, Lynwood, Injune, sold Charolais-cross steers to 274c for 267kg to return $733.

A & M Seaby, Claricevale, Roma, sold Simmental-cross steers to 274c for 236kg to return $648.

Hutchins Property Trust, Bendiboi, Surat, sold Angus-cross steers to 270c for 332kg to return $898.

E & D Connolly, Tetalga, Roma, sold Santa-cross steers to 260c for 302kg to return $786.

S, M, & T Gallagher, Dunwaitin, Surat, sold Droughtmaster-cross steers to 258c for 392kg to return $1013.

Heifers in the 350-450kg range reached 246c/kg and averaged 207c/kg. Heifers in the 280-350kg range topped at 272c/kg and averaged 217c/kg. Heifers in the 220-280kg range topped at 268c/kg and averaged 208c/kg, while heifers under 220kg topped at 270c/kg and averaged 219c/kg.

S Kidman & Co, Durham Downs, Eromanga, sold Santa-cross heifers to 262c for 161kg to return $424.

Echo Hills Cattle Partnership, Echo Hills, Roma, sold Santa-cross heifers to 244c for 356kg to return $870.

Bonvista Grazing, Bonavista, St George, sold Euro-cross heifers to 239c for 285kg to return $681.

Glen Arden Cattle Co, Glen Arden, Roma, sold Droughtmaster-cross heifers to 226c for 368kg to return $833.

Clark Bros & Tait, Powella, Aramac, sold Santa heifers to 226c for 182kg to return $412.

P & S Crocker, Craig Gowan, Roma, sold Angus-cross heifers to 224c for 255kg to return $571.

Warby & Warby, Wybara Roma, sold Brahman-cross heifers to 215c for 457kg to return $983.

Cows over 500kg sold to 210c/kg and averaged 198c/kg, while cows 400-500kg topped at reached 197c/kg and averaged 174c/kg. Cows in the 300-400kg sold to 190c/kg and averaged 142c/kg.

Cows and calves sold to $970/unit.

Bulls up to 400kg reached 296c/kg and average 253c/kg.




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