
Roma store 12 June 2018: Market stronger for heavy feeders

Beef Central 13/06/2018

Yarding 5357 Change 512

Most buyers were operating or represented. The quality was varied however for superior lines the market was solid especially on heavy weaners and feeders as buyers buy time for the future market.

Those with feed in the paddock also realised prospects to capture a margin as a substantial percentage were drought-affected with room for a turn around.

Calves made to 270c while yearling steers in the lighter weight range made to 296c to average 265c/kg.

A run of 81 head of EU yearling steers to feed around the 330kg range made to a top of 300c to average almost $1,000/head.

Feeder steers in the 280-330kg range topped at 275c to average 272c/kg in the largest offering. Light weight yearling heifers to the restockers made to 250c to average 242c/kg in the largest run. Heifers to feed topped at 256c and grown heifers made to 220c/kg. Cows reached 203c for good yielding lines and 2 score cows sold to weak demand from 116c to 152c/kg. Cows with calves at foot topped at $1,270/unit.

To view full NLRS report and price table click here

Weekly Roma Store press report


Weaner steers under 220kg topped at 296c/kg and averaged 265c/kg, weaner steers in the 220-280kg range reached 294c/kg and averaged 265c/kg. Steers in the 280- 350kg range reached 300c/kg and averaged 264c/kg, and steers in the 350-400kg range reached 274c/kg and averaged 257c/kg. Feeder steers in the 400-550kg range topping at 274c/kg and averaging 260c/kg.

Cows and calves hit $1,270/unit.

W & K Brown sold Angus cross steers to 300c/kg, reaching a top of $1,042 to average $939. The Angus cross heifers sold to 252c/kg, reaching a top of $800 to average $721.
Cumberland Cattle Co, Cumberland, Longreach sold Santa steers to 296c/kg, reaching a top of $994 to average $632.
Gwenbrook Farms Pastoral Co, Gwenbrook, Roma sold Charolais cross steers to 294c/kg, reaching a top of $965 to average $879. The Charolais cross heifers sold to 245c/kg, reaching a top of $760 to average $720.
Edenhope Roma sold Angus cross steers to 290c/kg, reaching a top of $1,008 to average $886.
VJ & GL Packer & Sons Pty Ltd, Kurrajong, Roma sold Charolais cross steers to 286c/kg, reaching a top of $861 to average $750. The Charolais cross heifers sold to 250c/kg, reaching a top of $751 to average $619.
RE & ED Smith, Marranoonbah, Condobolin sold Santa steers to 285c/kg, reaching a top of $1,314 to average $734.
Sue Kneebone, Tchanning, Jackson sold Charolais cross steers to 280c/kg, reaching a top of $959 to average $749. The Charolais cross heifers sold to 248c/kg, reaching a top of $797 to average $651.
Mt MacQuarie Past Trust, Alicker, Roma sold Simbrah steers to 280c/kg, reaching a top of $745 to average $623. The Simbrah cross heifers sold to 246c/kg, reaching a top of $695 to average $525.
JH & DR Walker, Thorpedale, Jackson sold Brangus steers to 280c/kg, reaching a top of $736 to average $670.
S & R White Family Trust, Mt Saltbush, Roma sold Charolais cross steers to 284c/kg, reaching a top of $1,046 to average $893. The Charolais cross heifers sold to 256c/kg, reaching a top of $854 to average $738.
Wellesley Pastoral Co, Wellesley, Surat sold Euro cross steers to 274c/kg, reaching a top of $1,146 to average $1,065.
RP & TM Sevil, Kenilworth, Mitchell sold Santa cross steers to 274c/kg, reaching a top of $690 to average $560.
Tullamore Park Pastoral Co, Araluen, Roma sold Santa steers to 273c/kg, reaching a top of $1,099 to average $1,004.
Mrs Statham, Possession Creek, Mitchell sold Santa cross steers to 270c/kg, reaching a top of $1,211 to average $1,129. The Santa cross heifers sold to 256c/kg, reaching a top of $1,023 to average $922.
Tewinga Pastoral Holdings, Flora Downs, Camooweal sold Droughtmaster cross steers to 270c/kg, reaching a top of $711 to average $638.
Bronte Cattle Co, Bronte, Charleville sold Santa steers to 269c/kg, reaching a top of $660 to average $660.
DW & CE Collinson, Gubberamunda, Roma sold Angus steers to 268c/kg, reaching a top of $1,537 to average $1,313.
Henrick Cattle Co, Dakota, Roma sold Angus cross steers to 267c/kg, reaching a top of $812 to average $812.
Melano Holdings Pty Ltd, Prairie Flat, Charleville sold Brangus steers to 262c/kg, reaching a top of $460 to average $460.
Heifers under 220kg topped at 250c/kg and averaged 215c/kg, while heifers in the 220 – 280kg range topped at 256c/kg and averaged 225c/kg. Heifers in the 280- 350kg range topped at 256c/kg, averaging 233c/kg. Heifers in the 350-450kg range
topped at 256c/kg, averaging 216c/kg. GE & LF Thornton, Westlyn, Morven sold Charolais cross heifers to 250c/kg,
reaching a top of $861 to average $741.
Mt Cornish Grazing Co, Lillarea West, Aramac sold Santa heifers to 232c/kg, reaching a top of $738 to average $657.
P Tite, Mt Abundance, Roma sold Shorthorn cross heifers to 214c/kg, reaching a top of $650 to average $650.
Cows in the 300-400kg range reached 166c/kg and averaged 116c/kg, while cows in the 400kg-500kg range reached 186c/kg and averaged 143c/kg. Cows over 500kg topped at 221c/kg, averaging 185c/kg.

Sources: NLRS, Roma Saleyards


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